
Why do people answer questions on Yahoo Answers?

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why did 5021 other people ask a similar stupid question ?




  1. why ask?

  2. Because they did not know 5020 other people asked the same question or didn't care because they thought they would get a different result?

    Yes, report yourself and get back to us to let us know what happened, it would be interesting to hear.

  3. Me cause sometimes I had nothing better to do with my time, I'm not like addicted!

  4. because that's the whole point...and you also get some points

  5. for points so they can be upgraded to the next level

  6. Boredom, to educate themself, meet people and get points.

  7. Contrary to the other individuals, I don't necessarily answer for any sense of point-superiority, but rather for the successful spread and gain of knowledge.

    Everyday, I check Yahoo!Answers to not simply prove mental superiority, but to motivate the mind. Questions that I might not know the answers to, I'll do a small journey of research to come to a valuable answer. Thus, I learn. Furthermore, as a member of YahooAnswers, you're contributing to education on a whole. Sure, some users are just trying to get their homework answers and watch the movie instead of trying, but I'm also showing them how to go about doing it. On some obscure echelon, they absorb this information and will maybe pass it forward to another individual in need.

    So why do I YahooAnswer? Knowledge. It needs to be spread, and if learning something new everyday and circulating whatever knowledge I've accrued in my life is helpful, I'll spend that five minutes to be slightly more useful in the world.

  8. pretty much what everybody else said...

    to get points!:)

  9. to show we are knowledgeable, also points.

  10. im in it for the points now i was in it for the best answers i have like 60 percent and now im down to 36 percent

    anyway have a nice night

  11. good question.

    some people look for an outlet to get out their anger by being haters and giving mean answers  to peoples questions, others have a delusion that they might win a big prize with the lame yahoo points that they get with every question they answer, and others are just wicked me :)

    have a good day

  12. +2


  13. ofcourse to help others to their questions.

  14. 1.  too much free time

    2. venues like this have become a substitute for socializing.

  15. Why did 5022 other people ask a similar stupid question ?

  16. just for the giggles of it all.

  17. to get points.......duh :P

  18. boredom dude... thats why!

  19. there bored

  20. Boredom a chance to be heard or make some impact somehow

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