
Why do people anwser things they know nothing abotu.?

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It's very annoying to find wrong answers when I open a question, it's about the environment and the majority of these questions are not opinion based. If you don't know something either research it or just don't' answer it.




  1. Because there are a lot of really dumb people out there. I like to tell people, " You have two ears and one mouth, use them accordingly."

  2. I know all about this one....      Most questions on the environment aren't black and white.    What might be true in one area isn't in another.   Some products made by one manufacturer might be good while others are not.   Misinformation is spread and a lie told often enough is often considered fact.

  3. The anonymity of the computer and yahoo answers gives any person the right to express an opinion. without divulging  the source. So if no one is going to know who said what all those of the lowest common denominator are going to come out of the wood work and express their opinion without criticism. Isn't that  Utopia for them?

  4. simple fact

    They are stupid or they want fame.

  5. Seriously!  And can we please discuss something other than global warming!?!?

  6. Many people are fishing for a best answer, or are just misinterpreting the question.

    It is a common thing to see, and they often distract from real answers =[

  7. The cause would be foolishness.Only fools speak of things they know nothing of.

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