
Why do people approve of abortion?

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1) it's murder

2) it harms the mother and the baby

3) it gives the mother both physical and mentel pain knowing that their child was never born.

4) you could give the child to someone who can't have a child of their own and you are giving them a chance to have a family.

5) it gives s***s and whores a loophole to being s***s and whores.




  1. Well, I do agree with what you say (although number 5 could have been stated MUCH differently and meant the same thing), the problem is ultimately, it's two fold-

    abortion is legal. Somehow people attribute legality to now the issue is no longer a moral one.

    Secondly, as the founder of NARAL said (and I'm NOT quoting here), the pro abortion lobby, to get laws in their favor passed, they would pump propoganda into the public and ultimately, win approval that way. Think about how emotional the abortion arguments are-"What about the 'quality' of the baby's life?" "What about the happiness of the mother?" And the phrases-"MY BODY MY CHOICE!" "US out of MY uterus" and so on...

    Ultimately, abortion as an industry has thrived off of deceiving the public with phony figures of "back alley/coat hanger abortions", have used VERY emotionally based phrases to grip people's emotions while simultaneously ignoring what MEDICINE AND SCIENCE agree upon-human life begins at conception. And you see that when people answer questions likes this, "I am not going to tell a woman what to do with her body...". Well, that's nice, and you shouldn't, but what about the baby INSIDE of her body? Two seperate genetic beings, both have an equal right to live, regardless of the flawed "law" of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton...

    Ultimately, people don't look at the facts, they listen to the emotions. If people would be willing to just SEE what is real, and acknowledge what is happening during that abortion, they would never be able to approve of it. It's not a simple "scraping of the uterine contents", it's a violent assault on an unborn baby, and one that if done to a newly born baby would NEVER be legal.

    It is like during WW2, people could not believe the evil of the n**i concentration camps. Then pictures came out and the world had to face evil head on and finally put a stop to it.

    Aside from the evil of abortion, we CAN'T lose sight that there is a woman who feels helpless and doesn't know what to do. Our SOCIETY/legal system has made abortion the most common birth control method it seems-millions performed annually... we need to show women that there is hope and other choices, ones that may hurt (adoption) but ultimately, like my grandmother can tell you, one that you don't regret.

    Add: JJ made a good point. Rape/incest is a touchy subject and one that your have to handle with compassion, however, I have read testimonies from women who were victims of these vile acts and carried their babies through. It's amazing what can happen and transform in a woman's life, even in the darkest of circumstances.

    There is an interesting/good novel called "The Atonement Child" about conceiving a baby through being raped. It's fiction but done very well...

  2. well personally im against it and i would never ever do it, but i think that if somebody feels they want an abotion they should be allowed to have one cause sure they could carry the baby for 9 months and then put it up for adotion but i htink if they are insensitive enough to get an abortion i dont think that they are responjsible enough to have one in their tummy, probually would drink and do drugs and have a child who has to suffer their who life so its better to have thte child not exist because no one else can carry the baby in the tummy except the iresponsible crack w***e so its better off but ofcourse i dont htink it should be allowed unnless its at the way beginning of the pregnancy at the point where some dont even know their pregnant

  3. That is the beautiful thing, isn't it?  We're all entitled to our own opinions and our own CHOICE!  Hooray!  Much of what you said is strictly opinion, not fact.  History has proven that a woman who does not want to birth a child will find a way to abort it, legal or not.  I urge you to consider the many, many various circumstances under which a woman seeks abortion and implore you to have compassion.  One woman in three will have one in her lifetime (so, it's likely that you know a few folks who have had one).  And most of the women getting abortions aren't teen-agers.  I often wonder why people who are anti-choice (because, let's face it, it's not really about life, is it?), seem only to care about the fetus/embryo/tissues until birth.  Then, they lose interest.  It's a double-edged sword for women.  Have the baby and then people hate you if you need financial assistance or don't and be a w***e/s**t/murderer.  It's a lose/lose.  The best thing a woman can do is make every endeavor to NEVER have to make that choice.

  4. 1. They think it's the easy way out, until they actually do it.  Then most gals suffer psychological trauma.  Not something they tell you at the abortion clinic.

    2. Something else that doesn't get discussed at the abortion clinic.

    3. yes

    4. That really would be best.

    5. yes.

  5. I agree with all you said above, but in some situations like rape and/or incest, I think there should be an exception. I know it still isn't right to murder a baby, but could you really carry a child that was created out of the result of rape and/or incest?? I dont think i could.

  6. Basically, women are going to do what they want. If they don't want to have a baby, they will abort. You can't change everyone's mind. You also don't know everyone's situation. There can't be a law like "only in the case of rape" because then everyone could claim they were raped and they don't know who did it.

    That said, would you prefer abortion is legal and women get the proper medical care, or would you prefer they got an abortion in the back of a van and died from medical complications?

  7. I think there shouldn't  be no exception for an abortion

  8. I had an abortion because I had cancer.  It was stage III melanoma.  I was on bc but it failed.  It was a matter of life or death.  

    It would have been murder to deny me a safe medical abortion....I would have died.  It did not harm me; in fact it saved my life.  I have no mental pain or anguish.  I am so happy to be alive and healthy.  Carrying the baby wasn't an option....the cancer prevented it.

    It is wrong to judge things you don't understand.  It's also wrong to namecall (pretty junior high).  What goes around, comes around.  I hope you don't get cancer and then get's easy to judge until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes.

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