
Why do people are so mean with me? specially my questions in English?

by  |  earlier

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they always answer me.. sorry but I don't understand you.. are they so mean? or just they are joking.. well I think my english is pretty good.. it's not perfect but it's understandable.




  1. will u tutor me?

  2. Your English is perfect...I will never understand in a million years why someone feels the need to put others down or to judge them just so they themselves can feel better. So you can accept that bad people who are  making judgments about nice people, and races religions and sexes, but its ok?  with that attitude its no wonder some people get away with murder. its such a useless waste of energy to be mean to someone, because of her language, and that does more harm to them than to anyone else. Just ignore and go on...If you have a sincere interest in yahoo answers, the wackos, racists, trolls, fighters, and quacks are part of the deal...wade through then, see their true colors, ignore them and get what you want out of the here.. or try to ignore them.

  3. cuz you're stupid

  4. It is hard to say for sure because I do not know what you sound like. As a native English speaker I can say first of all that you are to be commended for learning a new language. It was always very difficult for me and I just admire you for doing it. When I can't understand an English learner I am not shy about saying I don't understand them -- I just consider it to be helpful feedback to them, and it tells them I am interested enough in what they're saying to try to understand. If people are saying they can't understand you as a way to brush you off, that's unfortunate. But if they are like me, they mean well.  

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