
Why do people ask questions about dogs when they have a dog? Shouldn't they know this prior to buying one?

by Guest32767  |  earlier

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Like for example someone asks about their height, weight, food and vet.

Shouldn't they know these things prior to getting a dog!?




  1. I would have thought so.

    I also wonder why they are on Yahoo asking those questions, when there is so much information on the internet.

    I think a lot of questions like that are children.

  2. because when they decide they want a dog, they look at:

    1) how cute it is as a puppy

    2) how cute they will look with the puppy

    then 3 days later when the cute little puppy with the blue eyes no longer fits in their pocket/purse, they start worrying about keeping a dog in a 1 bedroom, 3 rd floor apartment.

  3. Yes, in an ideal world, they would. Dogs (inparticular puppies) are just another possession or toy to a lot of people and they don't take the time or effort to research their requirements.  

  4. I think a lot of those questions are founded. I know a lot of the height and weight questions refer to how big their dog should be at a certain point in time prior to maturity, like 16 week, or six month. These people usually know what size the dog is supossed to be when it matures but are not sure how quickly the breed grows. Now the ones that dont know how big their saint bernard will be fully matured thats another story

    I think research on food is an on going thing. What we are learning about dog nutrition is constantly changing. With all the hype there is for the major grocery brands unless people are told that those foods are not good I dont blame them for having not done research.

    As for vet care, there are so many aspects to it that its impossble to ever know it all. Even vets need on going training. And I would prefer people to ask how many primary needles their puppy needs than to not get them do anyways.

    What bothers me is when they dont research the breed they are getting at all. When I read questions like "why does my collie herd things?" Or where can I get a "Pure bred Mini micro tiny chihuahua-doodle" thats frustrating.

  5. I understand what your saying,though health/behavior issues can be different.

    And some times feed,as i have often read certain pet feeds are suitable for whatever pet it is,when other sites/books say they aren't,so people can ask whether it is okay on this site.

    And health issues are tricky,most people who own pets don't know every illness there is to that species of animal,so often they will ask on here & either home treat it or take it to the vets.

    Similar with behavior issues.

    I think as long as the questions are logical(you know like asking what the problem with your pet is or something like that)its perfectly fine to be honest i don't moan about people asking about certain issues,as long as its sensible!

    Hope this helps.x*x

  6. Ideally, yes.

    But ideally, people shouldn't breed because they have two of the same breed of dog or they think their dog is just the cutest in the world.

    Ideally, people realize that making a dog pump out litter after little, is just wrong.

    Ideally, all people treat their animals the way they should and not as a throw away object, a none feeling creature, or just a thing they can to with as they please.

    But obviously what is ideal, is not always reality.

  7. There is no one that knows all answers, there is always something to learn about life and about dogs. I have always had dogs and I still learn new things. With technology these days there is always a better way then it was 30 years ago, good luck.

  8. Yes they should. Before I got my German shepherd I read as many

    articles about them that I could find so that I would really know what

    to expect. After I  read about them and knew for sure that was the

    breed I wanted, Then I started looking for a breeder.  

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