
Why do people ask questions?

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Why do people ask question, just to hear what they want to hear?

Ex: Why am I so ugly?

Then someone says: Oh No you're very pretty.

What kind of question is why am i ugly? correct answer and truthfull would be because you were made that way. yet they don't get voted best answer hmmm.

or and other ex: does this person like me?

If someone answers yes, they get voted best.

its always about what the asker wants to hear, not the truth.... explain to me how these ppl work... i cant understand.




  1. that's interesting...because as you say, they are looking for the answer they want to hear.... is that the answer that YOU want to hear? haha just kidding, I don't know, it's just like asking, why do people answer questions? to get more points? to try to help someone they don't even know? to say the thing that that person wants to hear the most? ... personally, I ask questions when I want information about a specific thing, not when the answer I want, can be given by myself ;)

  2. people ask questions to know what different people have to say about it.

  3. They just DON'T KNOW to choose the BEST ANSWER to their question, that means they commit MISTAKES or its just RUBBISH to ASK those QUESTIONS.

  4. They are looking for validation.

  5. No no no..its seldom like that!

    I agree it depends upon how much the asker is convinced with the answer................but usually...they also go by how much the answerer understands their problem...and wether he/she's answering qith respect to all their feelings......!

    also the practicality of the answer is considered too!

    As far i ugly goes.............i think only extreemely naive n stupid ppl ask such questions n atleast i dnt beleive in answering such questions!

  6. I think it's because those ppl are in denial. Either that, or they are just immature and waste ppls time and are selfish. Idk exactly, but i agree those ppl are hard to understand.

  7. you're asking a question

  8. wats the point of ur question?

  9. Sometimes they need to hear what they want to hear I guess.

    I mean if you were really upset about something wouldnt you want someone to tell you whatever to make you happy. I mean you dont know if they are being honest or not.

    I dont know..

    Ive asked one of those types of questions before only because I was really upset about the situation but I mean like right now, I wouldnt have asked it.

    Sorry, I cant really explain.

  10. Its really tough to be quite. We must need something to think atleast. If you wanna feed yourself with thoughts... you have to ask..

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