
Why do people assume h**l's Angels are bad?

by Guest10742  |  earlier

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Reading all the posts here, people always have bad outlooks on the club. Any of you people actually even know a member or ever had any dealings with one, or is it all just from negative images portrayed by the socialist media we have?

I know the members from the 4 nearest clubs to me, ride with them, deal with them, and can be patched any time I'd like. These are good guys, no mafia, no ganglife, no prostitution rings. Guys that do toy runs, poker runs, run swap meets. Many are business owners. And yet, these are guys who get the short end of the stick from much of the community. They even tried passing a law that we can't wear colors into a bar (it failed in my province)

So wtf??? why are so many of you down on the angels? Ya sure so a few clubs have had a few members do illegal things... that happens in any organization, statistically the US military has more wrongdoings by its members, and you sure don't sit here and bash them.




  1. I was raised during the 60's and it was h***s Angels trademark to look bad. They tried to seem bad. They probably aren't near as bad as they wanted us to believe. It was cool to be bad.

  2. Not that I am a member of this group but I did run up on a member a few weeks ago in Dothan Alabama. He gave me this web site to look at and I do think he lived his religion and he wore the patches on his clothes proudly. Read this about h**l's Angels. I have watched documentaries on h**l's Angels and The Outlaws. BOTH are bad-*** to the bone no matter who you are! Remember one rule of the road when biking. Always watch what you say and do to other bikers out there because they don't always wear their colors! You very well may be telling a higher up Outlaw or Angel to get bent or giving him the (or her) finger. They DO protect their women and they WILL kill your *** over one! Believe it or not.

  3. just some friendly fellows who tcb,true bikers,not like the fn posers on here

  4. Just their rep good bad or indiffrent

    Sid -Did you know Jim Nolan or Fat Frank from the old days??" In Fla."

  5. People in MCs get the bad rap. When I wear my patches everyone thinks I'm evil because I am bearded, dirty, smelly, and drunk

  6. there not satanik there christian like me

  7. Your country, like ours, is eroding civil rights in general by attacking bikers.  If the same standards were applied across the board, cops wouldn't be able to wear their "colors". Your cops are permitted to  more wrong doings than the US military has been accused of.  If you had a military, you'd have the same issues.

    The press and the police can attack them without fear of being accused of racism by NAACP or LULAC so they are targeted so as to increase police budgets and sales of books and newspapers..    They don't fit into a neat little controllable niche like some boot l*****g splinter group so they are demonized.  It comes with the territory.

    I'd trust a 1%er with my wallet and keys before I'd trust a Democrat politician.

  8. The HAMC is a bonafide 1% club. Look that up if you dont know what it means.

    Read Sonny Barger's autobiography. Then you'll know why theyre assumed to be "bad".

  9. The h***s Angles are an outlaw gang and they are about illegal activities, turf wars, drug dealing, stolen goods, just like any other gang.  It's members are criminals.  

    I have known maybe two outlaws in my life that I had any respect for, they had their own personal code but embraced an outlaw lifestyle.  But most criminals are not outlaws, they are petty idiots with no morals.  I don't know the percentages in bike gangs, but a criminal is going to have to prove to me that he is an outlaw and not just a sack of sh$t who owns a two wheeled tractor.

  10. it's their name, mostly...

    the same reason people think "satanists" are bad...

    it's religious propoganda, and media hype

  11. Curious, why do you care?

    Reputation, Altamont Free Concert in 1969 comes to mind.  At a HOG rally in Canada a couple years ago, there was some understanding that any bikes there that didn't display the "paid attendance fee" sticker were fair game to be stolen by the local 81 chapter, I know someone who's brand new Fat Boy disappeared from a parking garage full of bikes - curious how his was the only one w/o the sticker.  I was at a parts show in Boston, the 81ers decided to take exception to someone in attendance, it wasn't pretty.  They certainly don't go out of their way to endear themselves to people when they are wearing colors or in a group.  

    That being said - I used to live across the street from an 81 member in Ventura, CA. He, wife and kid were normal folks.  I'm an acquaintance of an ex-81er in NH, he's one of the nicest/smartest guys you'd ever want to meet.  He's similar in stature to a white Shaquille O'Neil.

    They don't particularly scare me, I find them more a curiosity than anything.

  12. love the HA 81 , kicked the shiznet out of a few when i was a bouncer in NYC , im in florida its Outlaw country here ~got some funny stories about them and a few bike week events ~

  13. >> Guys that do toy runs, poker runs, run swap meets. Many are business owners.

    Discover TV channel had a documentary on h**l's Angels.  They work hard to keep up the public image.  Just like John Gotti was just a plumbing saleman.


    Their under world activity is well documented.


    I'm not saying everybody in h**l's Angle is bad.  If you were to join, then you are probably one of the good guy.  But you are clueless as to the real reason for their existence.

    Good Luck...

  14. I think it's the history of the club bleeding into the current ideas.

  15. I saw a documentry on HA a few weeks ago, and I was absolutely shocked at what I saw. An FBI agent was able to get inside their group and he had to carry out duties which included killing a fellow member of the club. Of course he didn't, the man was warned, they staged a fake killing, took picutures of it and all. The FBI agent was hailed by his fellow members. There was also an incident where their was a rival biker gang in las Vegas, that went to War with HA in a casino.

    It was all captured on Video, and several people from both gangs lost their lives.

    Now, I know d**n well that this can happen in any group but due to the number of riders in HA, it is seen as dangerous. Anyone can provoke a riot, trust me. h**l, one could start a Scooter club and come up with the same results. Our government is scared of anyone that can start a Chapter or Huge group that can proclaim FREEDOM. It is a threat and I think that you know it.

    Let's put it this way (because I am known to go against the grain), everyone must be on one accord, one path. When someone goes against what is seen as the norm, they are considered to be a BAD CLOCK sort to speak. They are seen as ticking in the wrong direction. We see it everywhere, and people tend to comply with some of it.  

    Race Relations (We tend not to like someone because their White, Black, Chinese, Hispanic...etc) When what we should be doing is celebrating the differences.

    A Woman


    A Man

    Too Short

    Look funny

    A Nerd (as seen by fellow peers)

    Too Extrovert

    Too Introvert

    I once went to Cancun for a vacation. What I noticed their was a bit bewildering. Black, Whites, Hispanics...etc: all got along, danced together, dranked together. However, when it was time to go home, I recognized a few of the same people on the plane. I spoked, and they acted like they didn't know me. OUT OF SIGHT, AND THEY COULD DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING SCRUTINIZED BY THEIR FELLOW PEERS BACK HOME.

    I know I got way off base, but what I am trying to say is... all of us are born in chains. Break the chain and demand freedom of speech, thought, all of the above and we will have problems.

    I don't agree with how HA handle situations, but I wouldn't agree with how any group handle situations that implies that I had to take a life. Death is a form of freedom, therefore, I would cut the person off. No help from any members, they would be an outcast from the group. That would make someones life an living h**l , don't you think?

    Other than that, the group isn't a bad idea, just wished they stood for something was real, aided people and children, made a difference that the majority could applaud.

  16. Red & White always treated me good. I used to run into the same crew every year in Sturgis. Besides, who am I to judge?

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