
Why do people assume Im stuck-up?

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I am quiet because Im shy. People assume its because Im stuck-up but Im not. Being quiet is how Im comfortable- so, if I act outgoing it will make others more comfortable but make me less comfortable because its not really how I feel-

what to do?




  1. Well I am outgoing and people still think Im stuckup, even though I am not. So I dont think your theory of acting more outgoing will work. I think you should just try being more friendly. Just smile at other people. Try to laugh more. When you appear friendly, people will not think you are stuckup.

  2. Practice. I used to be extremely introverted and people would always think I was walking around all mean, and I still don't really know how to just go up and talk to random people most of the time when I want to meet somebody. You just have to practice. Don't take the safe, secure and easy way out of it. It took me many years, but you just have to start talking about some random thing - or pop in with something relevant. and don't worry about what you just said either.

  3. I have the same problem.

    Just remind yourself that if some people think you are 'stuck up', that is only their perception of you.

    You know in fact that you're not.

    Don't force yourself. If you're comfortable being quiet, so be it.

    If others have a problem with your silence, it's their problem.

  4. Haha! I'm just like you... all throughout Highschool and Junior High people either thought I was really smart or stuck-up because I was really quite. I don't like to talk to much when it's not necessary, when I'm with the people that I'm comfortable with or have known for the longest time (friends and family) I usually talk a lot more... but I'm not a loud person in general.

    Guys always thought I had an attitude problem, I couldn't do much about it either. I chose to be this way knowing the consequences and judgements I'll recieve.

    But what I did do a lot is SMILE :] ... smile to everyone that makes an eye contact with you, always give everyone a nice heart warming smile... this worked for me most of the times, people then thought that I was a nice person, didn't have anything against them rather I was just quite.

    But to be honest you should start speaking up, I know it'll be weird at first because people don't really expect you talk but when I stepped into real life like work, college, making new friends... I realised its really though to fit in anywhere unless you talk (really talk), I'm working on it... the people who always thought I was really quite/shy/boring/stuckup/egoistic... when I spoke with them they gave me the compliment that I'm really funny and have a really nice sense of humor... so I'm trying not to be shy among people, even if speaking with a soft tone, I try to be part of the conversation... it's also kinda tough because English is not my first language, but  you should def. work on it... keep the smile but try to have conversations - it will help you in the long run!

    Good Luck! :]

  5. It's OK, I have the same problem with a certain group of people. The reason they think that is because they are insecure about themselves, and they think that if you don't say anything or laugh along with their jokes, you consider them to be below you. Don't pay any attention to it; it's not your fault, and it's not exactly their fault, although they could change their way of thinking, but they probably won't. Next time, if you're too shy to talk, just smile when you pass them on the street or in the hallways, or something.

  6. Over all perceptions gained by individuals are usually based on what you say or don't say. That is if they get passed the outward physical appearance first! (people suck so much!) Sometimes when you don't say anything, it makes people nervous and apprehensive. While they're doubting and fearing what you must be thinking, you're meanwhile basking in your inner thoughts. It's maddening for some people! So to make everyone feel a lot better about themselves, they naturally assume that you're the one with the problem. Yet the only problem they can assume you have is that your too quiet cuz you're stuck up.

    Bottom line is that people are, by nature, insecure. You can't afford different personalities for each individual that throws their insecurities your way. Be yourself. If they think you're stuck up...good! It's not good to surround yourself with that many insecure people anyway. Especially if you have a boyfriend! You've got enough insecurity to deal with at that point anyway!  :o)

  7. that dosent make any sence if they think your stuck up and your shy and nice there on dope your not stuck up

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