
Why do people assume that g**s can't have moral beliefs?

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Because your g*y you have to be o.k. with all things across the board and your not allowed to look negatively at an issue unless it's a g*y issue?

Have your moral beliefs already been chosen because you like the same s*x? I know many g*y people who do not feel this way, but I have also seen so many people make this assumption. My brother is g*y but that is only a part of who he is.

I was having a conversation with this girl, we were discussing abortion. My brothers friend said that he didn't agree with abortion but also that he didn't have any room to talk because he's g*y. She said "thats true" He told me that he feels like it's necessary to say that because people will think he's a hypocrite otherwise.

I know this much, If I was g*y I would still want the ability to follow what believe with out the stigma that I am already the ultimate sinner so I'm down with anything.

I'm not sure if its really ties in to sinning because atheist tend have this mindset too.

Any thoughts?




  1. In my day, growing up in the early 50s, 60s, and 70s, g*y people were considered, amongst other things, mentally ill degenerates.  Much of the sexual behavior of g*y men can be attributed to us straights driving them underground, e.g. to dirty truck stops, public bathrooms, and dimly lit parks and alleys.  As such, much of that attitude remains within the recesses of people's consciousness.

    I should hope with the g*y rights movement, such antiquated thinking will become a thing of the past.

  2. Replace man with the term g*y and you get the same result from the pro-choice crowd in the abortion debate. They believe men have no right to talk about abortion unless you agree with them.

    Edit: then why did you abortion into the mix?. You gave an example and I responded to it. Relax sweetie.

  3. the wording was incorrect, but I think what he was trying to say was that this isn't a choice that would likely affect him.

    That said, he has as much a right to an opinion as anyone else.  More so, because I suspect that his opinion was formed in his own brain, as opposed to being spoon-fed from the pulpit.

  4. Someone's sexual orientation does not dictate their morality!  Period!

    Sadly, small mindedness and lack of understanding causes many to think of homosexuality as an immoral decision - but we both know that sexual orientation is not a choice...and it certainly shouldn't dictate anything more about us than our choices in partners!

  5. because some people just want to hate.  it doesn't matter who or what.  so to justify hate to themselves they will come up with any kind of excuse.

  6. sounds like you come from a small town.

    most born again christians and baptists are closet homosexuals anyway, and the catholic guys with the white collars love riding little boys.

    Anyway, its sad that hes made to feel that way.

  7. Yes some do.  Alot of people, even myself see homosexuality has morally wrong, so how can it be believed that you have morals...IMO, no need to write me a little note.  Oh and up above, the reason why they say only straight men can lead the boy scouts is because they don't want someone g*y in the woods with a bunch of little boys.  I know just because he is g*y doesn't mean he is a child molester, but it makes parents and the world feel safe to know he is a straight man.  Would you let your little Timmy go camping with a g*y guy?  NO, you wouldn't, don't even lie to yourself

  8. It's too bad your brother feels that way. I wonder what gave him that idea.

    What really confuses me is the mentality that only straight men can lead the Boy Scouts. Their argument (I've seen this on Hannity & Colmes) is that this group stands for truth, duty, valour, blah blah blah; yet they still don't make a case for why only straight men stand for any of this.

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