
Why do people assume waiters/waitresses get free food?

by Guest65797  |  earlier

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I worked as a waitress for many years. We recieved a 50% employee discount on food purchased. It had to be on our break. If we came in as a customer on our day off, we had to pay full price. We also had to pay full price if we were ordering food to take out after out shift was over. Only managers recieved free food. It was that way at 99% of the places I worked. Only one restaurant that I worked at had a employee food deduction policy. A certain % of an employee's check was taken out for food purchases. If they ate or not. The policy has since been cancelled. Sometimes wait staff would get a cook to make something for them, and they wouldn't pay. If they were caught, they were termianted. Why do TV shows and movies portray restaraunt service personnel receiving free food? (One Life to Live). I have had many people ask me to bring them food, since I got it for free. Where and why do they get these ideas? Irritating!

I have worked at Carrow's, Denny's, IHOP, El Torito etc.,




  1. because whoever thinks that is trying to be stupid

  2. Having been in the business for many years I found chain resturants like the one's you  have worked for  give you nothing for nothing.

    However, a mom and pop or private owned restaurant outfit usually feeds their help for free  or has at the least a  specific menu  strictly for the help and if  the help wishes to order  something not on that menu  then they pay for it.

    I always thought this the best system.

    That certain percent  taken out of your pay whether you ate or not (that  you refered too) is illegal, however a restuarant can deduct 1/2 hr for lunch  whether you take it or not.

    Also in case any of you servers don't know this ... it is illegal  to deduct a "walk outs" check from  the servers pay.

    Also ,  it is illegal to deduct a credit card % charge from the servers pay/tips

    Example.. credit purchases are charged at a rate of approx 3% of tab .. some resturant owners try to make the server pay that 3% so that the  restuarant doesn't absorb this charge. This is illegal

  3. wait staff eats free plain and simple how else are they to learn the days menu and give the customers the service they deserve? a few mostly ethic restaurants have staff diners rather then eating off the menu. by way in NYC if the staff does not eat for free you have pay them full wage.

  4. I work at a public school and I have to pay full price for any meal I eat there.  Most of my students' parents make much more money than I do.

  5. well where l live no one gets free food at work unless lts at a bingo hall

  6. The reson for this is because the waitress/ waiters have to get the food first. By this they think the eat the food and just order it again and give the second tray to you.

  7. just like u said they assume idk y though

  8. This is something that gone on for years, I think it is because most managers do receive free food and brag to there friends; there for, people think everyone eats free.

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