
Why do people at school judge others who are different?

by Guest57542  |  earlier

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why do people judge me and my friends for wearing black nail polish and eyeliner. why do they call emos and goths freaks. why call smart kids nerds or girls l***o cause they hang out with more guys than girls. just because were different or hang out with people who are dosen't mean we should be judged. Im tired of it and it needs to stop. i believe in freedom of speech but this is just wrong. they wouldn't like it if we called them snobs or jocks. so why do they do it to us?????




  1. i hate it to, but i just ignore it cuz ik that if they have to go down to a level of making fun of somone, its because theyre unhappy with their lives

  2. i used to wear eye liner and stuff like you described and was made fun judge things they dont under stand or just dont want to understand,theres realy no way you can help it except stop dressing that not judging and not saying your like this but dressing like that can drag you down with out knowing it,example wearing thik eye liner  can drag you down because thick eye liner symbolizes doing drugs,those dark circles you get around your eyes when you do them,and (if your a guy) long black hairsymbolizes  a bumb that cant afford a hair cut,so if you dont want all the negetive attention its best to just dress how ppl yant you to,and dont dress the way you described to fight these ppl

    hope i could help  

  3. Well some people are just rude and don't have high enough self esteem so they think if they can make some one else look worse then it will make them look a lot better, but really it just makes them look like a******s. I was called and jock and a prep in school, and i never felt that i was. I had friends in all different "cliques" .l  just ignored them, i know that's hard to do, but as long as you don't care what people think that's alright!

    I have seen lots of guys wear eyeliner that weren't emo or goth or whatever label you want to put on it and it brings out their eyes... i thought it was cute, so just ignore what people say, if they have to ridicule other people to make themselves look better , what does that say about them?

  4. Maybe you should change schools cause that deosnt happen at my school

  5. Don't worry, its alright.

    There's a lot of c**p in this world.

    Even adulthood is hard, but high school and jr high are h**l. Believe me, kid, everyone is the same, and just wants to be liked...

    Kids are just *** holes.

  6. They're probably jealous that the smart kids are so smart, the girls are so talkative with guys, and that you can pull off wearing black nail polish and eyeliner. That's not really even freedom of speech, that's just being spoiled and stupid.

    Definately don't stoop to their level. Try showing them that you really don't care.

    If you feel so passionately about it, why not start some kind of campaign or something? Make a group against bullying and teasing. Talk about it with one another. Kind of like a support group or something. Get those creative juices 'a flowin!

    Haha, hope that helps.  

  7. I blame the media and politics.  Media because it judges the people off of different opinions (wrong to begin with) and politics because they are going back and forth on g*y marriages making it a debate and with a debate there are always two sides making conflicting opinions.  You can't just say that it is ONLY the kids.  Kids reflect off their parents generations, afterall they were brought up by the generation making it their learning source.  Kids just say things more"louder" because they are more immature..... its everyone!! Every person is a critic unfortunately. And i am sorry you have to go through it.  It isn't fair and is not your fault.  The world sucks, we just have to make the best of it. Best of Luck

  8. such is life.

  9. because their small minded

  10. cause they are the ones that are losers.. i like people who are different..  

  11. Some people are just small minded and refuse to learn about people.

  12. It's because they're insecure. Don't worry about what other people think. Obviously you're not in school to win a popularity contest, or you wouldn't wear black polish and eyeliner. Just hang out with your friends and try not to care what other people think. They don't know anything about you, so why should they be the ones to judge you? Why should they affect how you feel? I was called all kinds of things in high school (thankfully 'emo' wasn't around yet) but I was called goth a lot and I wasn't, but people still said it. I just didn't let it bother me.  

  13. Because they're completely immature.

    Humans are nothing more than pack animals.

    Once someone does something to step out of the herd, the rest of the herd tries to get them to come back.

    In this case, that means ridiculing those who are different.

    It's stupid.

  14. unfortunately we are all like that, not just kids. just by saying "why do we judge people who are different"  ,,we are judging them and labeling them as called them snobs and jocks it's the same as them calling you emo, however how we choose to express our opinions and judgements of others really shows what kind of person you are. if you choose to notice they are different and respect them anyhow, that says a great deal about you as a person. people will always judge, don't take it to heart, don't let it bring you down and don't be like them. be who you are for yourself, not them.

  15. kids are cruel

  16. I agree 100%.  I am also goth, and hang out with guys more than girls.  I am not called weird as much because my straight A's block the people saying things about me being weird, and the goth blocks them from calling me a nerd.  Sometimes I get called weird, but sience I am goth, I do not get called a nerd.  Also I do not have glasses, I have perfect vision, and a great sence of fasion!

  17. ppl do that cuz ppl r scared or intimidated by those who r different.  Just think about who will those losers b in a couple of years, dumb has beens? just remmber u have a bright future and those who make fun of u or anyone else apparently has no life and thats the only thing they can think of to do, cuz they don't have any real friends, plain and simple hope i helped =D

  18. because they are losers. when they leave high school and step into the real world they will still think they are in high school (ive seen it happen, its very funny)

    whenever they say anything to you.

    laugh at them with your friends. these people are pathetic. they were everywhere at my school.

  19. cuz they r afraid 2 da unknown. They should get 2 know ppl b4 they judge.

  20. becuz their stupid! dude wats rong with eyeliner and black nail polish!  

  21. Most of the time, people just pick on others to make themselves feel better. They do it to try and prove to themselves, and others, that they have no insecurities and are exactly what they appear to be. Truth is, some of 'em might get beat up when they go home. That's why they may pick on a kid smaller than them to make themselves feel strong again. Some of 'em may constantly get put down at home. That's why they find ways to put others down so that they feel like they're worth a little more than the victims. I agree, it needs to stop. And I especially loathe hate crimes against g**s and lesbians. It's wrong to persecute people because they like the same s*x better than the opposite. People who persecute them for it make me sick...

    Don't worry about what they think. Be your OWN you and **** the expectations of others.

  22. to fit in with others who are trying to fit in with them..  

  23. bro....u see the ones who judge u are all lozers man

    dont give a dame

    but they do that to look cool and they think that they are better and all

    they are all wana bes......

    belive in your self...bro


  24. Most people do it to seem cool or it makes them feel better. I dont get it though if you call someone a nerd its not gonna make you any smarter, if you call someone a freak its not going to make you any more special. I mostly think they make fun of people bacause they are hiding something, so they intimidate others so they wont make fun of their own personal problem.  

  25. Because the snobs and jocks are rude by their very nature and find it difficult to acknowledge and be decent to people who are into a different scene. Don't put yourself on their level (which is pretty low) by calling names back. Hold your head high and go on. This will show everyone that you have confidence in what you are and what you believe in. Never never conform to what others think you should be.

  26. their just jealous of you, either that or they really hate themselves deep down and it makes them feel good to put you down, or their just trying to look cool,

    what you should do is keep wearing you black nailpolish and eyeliner!

    who cares what they think..**** them!

    be you and dont worry about any1 eles..i wear black nail polish and eye what!? im not goth or emo at all!!

    just forget about them!

  27. It's not just school, dude.

    But ya put a flagpole up to see who salutes, you're gonna get a few birds.

    That's just common sense.

  28. Ignorance and insecurity, as long as no one is hurting anyone else, no one should care.

  29. yeah, my school's the same

    it's because their lives are so boring that they have nothing else to do appart from to contradict other people but at the end of the day nobody will remember them because the did what everyone else did and blended in but standing outs waaay better :)

  30. that just naturally happens to every school, there has to be haters in all of em', it spreads. i believe in freedom of speech too, whooh!! lol but they just do that because they have no other hobby for theirselves. so best to do is ignore them, and show some spirit of where you are now

  31. because people suck. I was considered a freak in school....ha now all the people that talked c**p is nothing. i am a very successful insurance agent and proving all those a**holes wrong. they are all working at their meek jobs still making the same thing that they did while we were in hs. just keep you chin up and remember there is always going to be people just have to prove what they say wrong and be the best!

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