
Why do people at the grocery store get angry at the workers over high prices.?

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I work at Kroger in the produce section and people cry and get angry at me all the time about the increasing cost of everything. A lot of times they seem to think that somehow I and the other workers control the prices when it's all controlled by the corporate office.




  1. They must need an outlet for their anger.  Why not be prepared with your CEO's or Branch Managers email and phone number and hand that to them if they wish to complain.  Corporate heads needs to be directly exposed to the grief high prices cause.   Turn a negative into a positive.

  2. That's almost as bad as my friend working at Lowe's getting yelled at because the signs in the store were in English -and- Spanish.

    People will always be rude, you just have to ignore it. :)

  3. People are angry and frightened and frustrated and you are handy and represent the store to them.   Best way to handle it is to learn what your bargains are and when someone complains about prices say I know how you feel the way a lot of things have gone up in the last few months is ridiculous,  Mention gas and a few other things that are way up in your area and then offer to show them some good buys in your dept and to tell them about a few bargains elsewhere in the store.   That way you are a friend and helper not the enemy.

    I almost lost it myself the other night when Ingles wanted 99 cents for ONE navel orange and $4.98 a pound for red delicious apples.    I did find cheaper apples $1.97 a pound and good tasting too.I found a better price on oranges too half a mile away at IGA.

  4. I guess when your in the line of fire when the weapon goes off, even if the bullet wasnt intended for you, thats just how the cookie crumbles...


    I work for Allstate Life Insurance and everyone calls me telling me that "I" am trying to steal their money and "I" should go to jail for ripping them off and (omg, I cant even begin to tell you some of the crazy sh*t that people will put on you when they are angry) you get where Im going though.

  5. I used to have the same problem with my old job but i got used to it and just told them the same thing over and over...I guess they cant yell at the CEO so they yell at us instead.

  6. wow they're jerks

  7. It is because people don't have access to your CEO to express their anger. For them, you are the company and they think you run the company. You are the representative of the company and you are the interface between the customers and your corporate. They need someone at Kroger to vent out their anger and the store associates are the obvious choice due to their accessibility. My suggestion is: Be polite with them and explain why the price is increasing - may be due to seasonality or due to increase in logistics cost etc. Most of them will understand.

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