
Why do people at train stations always get in the same door?

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A typical train in my area has 16 doors, why do people only use one and then complain that the train is crowded when if they had the common sense to walk a few yards down the platform they could get in a coach that is almost empty?




  1. lmao i have the same question i always take the train and everyone pushes in the same door and then people are all standing and complaining there are no seats meanwhile the next car has like 3 people in it

  2. Because people have a hearding instict when it comes to trains. I have worked with trains now for almost 13 years and I have seen people stupid enough to stand in front of doors and then complain they wanted the train when it moves off as they are too stupid to realise they have to either open the door or press the flashing button that says open.  Quite frankly I can safely say that at least 75% of most passengers leave there brains outside the railway station with the stupid questions, repetative assurances they all need and blind stupidity they seem to show once they are on the Platforms, waiting to be served at Ticket Windows and travelling on the train.

  3. Hey seen as we are all apparently slaggin off the passengers i would just like to point out how funny it is that they dont get on the train because its going further than their destinations

    I.E get on at Newcastle to go to Durham

    Train says on the side "Newcastle to Bristol"

    "Oh well thats going to bristol" They say

    LMFAO, then they come over and shout at you "WHERE THE h**l IS THIS TRAIN?!"

  4. it's also most annoying when you want to get off the train,and they stand at the doorway so you can't easily get off,it seems beyond them 'we' get off,then 'they' can get on,easy,isn't it!!

  5. Passengers Hit by Cancelled Trains

    Does this make sense?

  6. I used to work on the Sydney rail system as a Transit Officer, and I've noticed that too.  It's because people have a sheep mentality, and they're wankers.

  7. In the UK there are boxes at station entrances marked "Leave Your Common Sense Here".

    People do that, so when the train arrives they have no awareness of other doors available to them.

    They will take forever to get in one door then crowd around the vestibule because that's what everyone else is doing. Never mind the empty carriage further along the train, to them the train is full and standing so they just stand there.

    I usually find that a long blast on my whistle jerks them out of their daydreams, at which point they go into headless chicken mode and run in all directions.

    Funny, but sad.....

  8. beacause than they can complain about it later

  9. Because they are thick.

    Sometimes, if the aircon is knackered in a coach, the conducter advises them to move to another if they are hot.  No, they just complain.

    Same with overcrowding, announcement over the PA that other carriages are empty, no effect.

    What gets me is these are regular commuters, who should know what's what.

  10. Because they're lazy

  11. 50 PEOPLE standing on the platform all waiting for the one to open a door so thy don't have to open it them self's Thy thinking if i do move down the platform how or what is go-wing to open the door for me simple isn't

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