
Why do people avoid me?

by Guest66912  |  earlier

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I feel like I have a giant bubble around me or something! I try to be friendly , reasonable but I don't really fit in anywhere. I am over 25 BTW, I don't think I'm "special " or anything at all. I just feel like there's maybe something I'm doing people aren't or won't tell me? It has been this way my whole life. Please tell me why they avoid me? Am I that bad..




  1. I'm in the same boat as you, people seem to avoid me as well, and like you i am friendly towards them but it doesn't seem to make a difference, and it's been the same way for me most of my life as well, and like you, i don't know why.

  2. My cousins girlfriend has a similar problem.  My cousins entire family thinks she is stuck up.  People think that because she always looks her best, always has flawless makeup and nice clothes.  But she is not stuck up if they would bother talking to her.  I am very different from her - I am very tomboyish.  But I always try to start up a conversation with her, and she always talks with me.  I have found we do like a lot of the same things. She is always very nce, and seems to enjoy the conversation, and not just answering me, hoping I will go away.

    But for some reason, the rest of the family thinks she needs to start the conversation with them, and they don't feel the need to get to know her.  I think maybe the family is just to comfortable with the people that are already there, and they don't talk to her because they have a fear of rejection.  They are rejecting her before she can reject them.

    Now, I am not saying you were a lot of make up. or seem stuck up, because I don't know you, and you say you try to be friendly.  But maybe the people you want to get to know are the ones with the problem.

    Sometimes I go to church with my friend.  She is from a small town, and not a lot of selection on which church to attend.  But if I were her, I wouldn't go because if you aren't wearing your Sunday best, those people won't talk to you.  My friend tried to help out in the kitchen with the snacks and coffee, but because they are used to the same group of people in there, they just treated her like she was in the way, instead of showing her how they do things so she would know for the future.

  3. I dont know you, do you shower?

  4. Probably not..its hard making friends as we get older..especially meaningful friendships!  

  5. If you message me your full ORIGINAL birth name (the full name you were born with, no married names or adopted names) and birthdate (including birth year)... I could give you a brief Numerology reading and give you some insight into yourself.  You'd have to give me a day or two to complete it, however.  

  6. I know how you feel. I feel like people go out of their way to keep from talking to me. I think it may be all in my head, but I don't know.  

  7. just be self confident and talk to only those who talk to you. to others just say hi bye. if you think people don't like you because of your attititude then change it and be cool.

  8. Maybe you are trying too hard. Just be yourself. It's always good to share a smile with someone because that makes you more approachable.

  9. i'm the same but i choose to be. it's is most likely because of your attitude. even if you try to be friendly there are things you do that make other people stay away from you and the worst part is you don't see your bad habit (soen't have to be bad actually).

    people usually find it hard to talk to me because i'm arrogant and i look cold blooded. i hate wasting my time talking to people i don't even like so it's alright with me. i have lots of friends who accept me as i am so i'm fine with what the majority thinks about me. you know, be yourself.

    if you can't see what you are doing wrong ask your close friends and they'll probably tell you. it's not your appearance, i'm sure you've seen some not good looking people who have lots of friends, well at least i have. it's the way you behave.

    you might be just like me. you just don't notice you have crappy social skills, no offense. i'm a songwriter/guitarist and the only way i can explain/express myself is through my music. kurt cobain and joe strummer are my gods

  10. oh great, another one of these "please everyone feel sorry for me" questions.

    I guess your next plan will be to put a photo of yourself on Y/A and ask "do i look pretty enough?"  boo hoo

  11. i get that too. sometimes. but i think it's more of me acting weird that causes others to find me unapproachable. i think you should be less self conscious of  what ppl think of you. just let nature take it's course. tis' fate for two people to meet.  

  12. Are you ugly, overweight or smelly?  

    If so, this could be why people avoid you.

    edit---------- I'm just trying to think of reasons why people would avoid you.  If you are none of these things, then I suggest you find some self confidence or change your attitude.

    I can hear the violins from here.

  13. Watch this you will know why.

  14. Break the giant bubble around you. Being friendly and reasonable aren't the only things that will get you noticed. Step out of your comfort zone, and greet people. Always smile, but not the fake kinds. Put some heart into them. Put heart into everything you do. The more sincere you are, the more approachable you will be.


    Maybe you're self conscious, and you think people are avoiding you. Hold your head up high, because you sound like a nice, intelligent person. Talk to people you already know, and build stronger relations with them.

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