
Why do people backstab?

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it's so stupid! not saying i've never ever done it before, but it's so slack. everyone at my school backstabs pretty much everyone for really stupid reasons, they even backstab their best friends!

but why do people have to talk badly about others?




  1. Because they have nothing else to do and think so less of themselves until they are under the disillusion that by "backstabbing" others, makes them look good.  In all, if the energy used to backstab was put to some good use, wow, do you know how much more pleasant life in general would be.  And don't think it ends with school, honey, put your backstabbing armour on because this is something that humans do all throughout life.  Do your best not to backstab others and not to listen to the backstabbing that is done.  "Backstabbing" it is such a nasty practice and doesn't benefit anyone, in the long run.  God Bless.

  2. the way of life and some people just do it cos they think others will like them more if they're horrible about their best friends?

    my friend from school, i was really good friends with her for 6 years, we went to college together and i always was a ********* about her when she annoyed me but i would always tell her before someone else did and she was okay with that, at least i said it to her and me and her never once fell out even tho was were horrible all the time - lol.

    you just have to get on with it, if it's something that really gets to you and you think they're in the wrong for saying it then all you can do is stand up for yourself and basically tell them what you think of them and how horrible it is to keep backstabbing a friend.

  3. good question people do it about me all the time

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