
Why do people become so shocked sharks attack? Are they not masterful predators?

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I am not trying belittle or 'make light' the recent death in San Diego at all. But I find it quite peculiar when people get all suprised when sharks attack. I mean sharks have NEVER been domesticated in any way. Dog bites do not recieve the same public uproar, why do shark bites? If a dog bites, you will likely sustain some damage. If a shark bites, you will likely die....its simple math. More teeth+more pressure per square inch=more damage. Sharks ARE predators, and they do still live in the water, atleast the last time I checked. Fish at the grocery store looks like food to us, why would we not look like food in the water to sharks?.The news media is so silly sometimes with their meaningless reports about 'How to stay safe in the Water'...sure. If you are in the water(the natural habitat of sharks and other potentially harmful marine life) you stand the chance of being attacked, simple as that. Mosquitos can bite in the woods, sharks can bite in the water. Its ALWAYS a risk.




  1. sharks are beautiful. i think this deserves 10 points.

  2. Who makes this shocking?  Money drives everything, the news headlines, people love to read about this kind of thing.  Like people say, the most exciting part of a race are the crashes, but everyone is surprise when 1 car crashes out of 50 of them going 200 MPH, it is guarenteed to happen.  The news will make a big deal of the tragadies because people will watch and read the story.  Beyond that, it shocks people that have swam at the same beach for 20 years and all of a sudden someone dies from a shark dining out.

  3. Beacuse this is outside it's territory.  Great whites aren't suppose to be there!

    We know sharks feed early mornings and late evenings and we aren't suppose to be in the wat er during these times.  As a diver if we want to be healthy swimmers, DONT SWIM IN THE OPEN OCEAN DURING THESE TIMES.  Always be aware of your surroundings.  What is horrid is that usually a shark lets you know it's there before it attacks.  The person just never tells of that because he is too scared to remember it.  A shark too always humps its back up first before it attacks.  But a great white is just mean.  A normal shark will bite and then leave.  It doesn't usually like the taste of man.  With the exception of a Great white and a bull shark.  These two are just plainly mean and are man  EATERS.

  4. True, very true. Now if a shark comes on land, then yes, people have a reason to be shocked, but seriously. They are making this seem like sharks are vegetarians or something. I mean, when you go in the woods, you risk being mauled by a bear, and if you go outside when there are mosquitoes present, you are at risk for malaria. Its kinda common sense.

  5. They are making a big deal out of it like if nobody has ever been attacked by a shark. Common sense tells us to be careful in the water because there's always the possibility that a shark might be present and ready to attack.

  6. People are so stupid. If they don't want to get bit they need to stay out of the deep water. I don't know why they think a shark isn't going to get them if they are in the sharks habitat and the shark is hungry. If a chicken or something walked into your house and you were hungry would you just shoo it away? No you'd kill it and eat it. And I say a chicken because they are small and easy to get. Just like we are small and easy for sharks. lmao remember when that lady stuck her hand in a panther cage at the zoo and it ripped her arm off? People were actually surprised at that. lmao what did they expect?

  7. You are 100% right.

    But, a shark attack clears a beach.  Invariably someone gets killed.

    (Unlike dogs, where deaths are not so common...)

    But a shark, to most people, is a relatively unknown/not-understood monster... unlike the dog down the street.  (Although many dog attacks do make the news... just not all of them... maybe only the ones that cause a death.)

    And we are used to thinking of ourselves as masters of the universe...

    So we invade the shark's environment, and it reacts.  It views us as food.  To a shark, EVERYTHING, is food.

    It does not attack a human for no reason.  It attacks because it sees us as lunch.

    It is too bad.  But, the solution is sonic protectors, which, once in the water, drive sharks away.  But they cost money. And they do not get istalled, not until, at least, it is known there are sharks in a certain area.

    But once a shark eats man... it likes man.  And it will search for this easy meal again.  Not the shark's fault.  That's just the way it is.  So, that is why we kill man eaters.


    But the media loves "big scary stories". And shark stories are big scary stories.  So they are front page news.

    That's just how things are.

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