
Why do people become vegetarians?

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I would just like to know some enlightening reasons. Hopefully people don't become vegetarians because it's "cool"

Just wondering




  1. I'm not repulsed at the idea of eating animals, I'm repulsed at the horrible, cruel way animals are raised.

    I don't think being vegetarian makes you cooler. I've found it very awkward going to a friend's house for dinner...etc

  2. I enjoy the taste of meat - especially rare beef, and I love eggs and dairy. But one day I felt ready to watch what actually goes on in factory farming ( ), and I could no longer be a party to it. My diet has been vegan ever since.

    If/when they come out with invitro meat, I'll probably eat it again.

  3. because of its mean to annimals they are living things to and i was sick of chickin and stake stuff like that.

  4. idk vegatarianism is not smart though how do you get protein? instead of 5 billion peanuts and beans you could just have a nice juicy warm delicious steak.That cow was gonna die anyway,you see wounded animals are called "downers" and are unprofitable so you can either butcher it or lose a bunch of money. your not saving animals your not being unholy your just geting poor income of protein and losing you tastebuds freindship.

  5. because it gives you super powers! (dont tell any one)

  6. There are all kinds of great reasons. I think some people do it to fit in, to stand out, to emulate someone they respect, for attention, whatever. But most people have serious reasons.

    The most common and simplest reason is probably that people think it's wrong to kill animals for food.

    There are tons of other animal rights issues that I find far more compelling... the treatment of animals in factory farms, the typical slaughterhouse environment, the use of antibiotics and hormones to make the animals grow in ways they wouldn't normally, etc.

    There are plenty of great environmental reasons as well. In fact, the best thing you can do for the environment is probably going vegetarian or vegan.

    There are human rights issues as well... the mass meat industry does contribue to starvation and the exploitation of workers.

    The health reasons are also obvious... get rid of saturated fat and you get rid of a lot of health problems. Vegetarians also wind up getting more fiber on the whole.

    I've been vegetarian on and off in varying degrees for 12 years. I originally started after finding out about the parasites that live exclusively in meat and how big they can grow in the human digestive tract. I said, "Ew. No more."

  7. Ethical reasons: I believe it's really wrong to kill animal just for you to eat. Meat is not the only food in the world, hello? And cruelty is just a bad idea. Speciesism is the discrimination of any other species that are not among us.

    Health reasons: Vegetarianism is pretty much healthier than the omnivore diet. You'll get to stay away from fatty meat and gross milk and get to avoid junk food since much of them contains gelatin, milk, cheese products and eggs and lot of unhealthy additives. It really is a great boost to your body.

    Environment reason: Because slaughter houses contribute ALOT to global warming and over all pollution. Because animal farming takes up most of the forest just for the animals  to graze through and be killed for people's consumption.

  8. i would like to become one cuz i think killing animals for our own food and most of it goes to waste is terrible i just have to start when summer is over long story grandparents rather start at home

  9. I don't want to contribute to the incomprehensible amount of suffering that is the food animal industry.

    If you don't understand what I mean, you can watch Earthlings if you REALLY want to know.

  10. Well I became a vegetarian because I saw how badly the animals were treated. They were kept in cages and won't even feel the sun in their backs until the took them to kill them. They have just as much feelings as pets do, but some people still like to eat them and I also became a vegetarian because my heartless cousin started working in killing chickens. I hate his job! Not to mention that my other cousin has a snake. He feeds live rats to her and me with having a bird and a rodent as a pet didn't feel comfortable with it.

  11. Yes. Most people become vegetarians because the thought of eating meat to them is sickening.

  12. have you ever looked up animal cruelty? or slaughter house videos? its sickening. and thats more than enough reason to become vegetarian.

    and i think personally doing it to be "cool" is doing it for all the wrong reasons, but then again, the more vegetarians/vegans, the better so if its the cool thing to do, so be it! and also it is very awkward to go to friends house's for dinner.

  13. There are many reasons.  The three biggest ones are health, religion and morality.

  14. this is hardly enlightening - but im vegetarian because i don't like the thought of eating a dead body

    mmmmm pig corpse

  15. I'm doing it to save my life. I'm actually blogging my experience at and I talk about eating vegan/vegetarian every day now. I've eaten meat, cheese, milk and eggs all my life and look what it's done to me?


  16. I am because I just can't stand the fact of eating an animal. Eating an animal is like cannibalism to me.

  17. Because some people actually think.

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