
Why do people believe Hillary Clinton?

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I worked with the Secret Service for 7 years. I spent many days on detail with the Clintons (when Bill was in office). I state these two facts because I want you to know I have experience with the Clintons. Why do you think that Hillary is better than Obama? Everything that comes from Hillary is smug and not personal. They (the clintons) would be mad at us Secret Service guys for being in visible sight at functions when we were there to protect them. So back to the same question...why do you believe in what Hillary says?




  1. Maybe you shouldn't believe any of them. Personally, Obama gives me the creeps because I think everything that comes out of his mouth is purely for the sake of appearances. Rhetoric is his platform.

  2. People believe in her because they have a sense that she will be great and they think that if she wins she will fix this country we call America.

  3. If a million people say a stupid's still a stupid thing!

  4. I really belive in Obama more than Clinton.  It is time for a change!!!!!!


  6. Why do people believe....because they want to believe in the person who talks about changing the things that bother or hurts them.

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