
Why do people believe absitnence only programs will fail while gun bans will succeed?

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Failed policies are on both sides of the Aisle now aren't they?




  1. Failed policies on both sides?

    Did you read what you typed?

    Abstinence only programs will fail   -     democrat thinking

    gun bans will succeed  -   democrat thinking

    What both sides were you talking about?

  2. I agree. neither works.

    I do believe in regulations with guns though (has that failed yet?).

  3. Abstinence only programs DO fail.

  4. Agreed.

    Violent crime will only be reduced when poverty is addressed.

  5. I am conservative in many ways, but even I laughed at the abstinance thing.  Just no way horney teens are gonna sit back and talk about it.

  6. Because guns don't have hormones.

  7. Good point. When abstinence only programs fail, what will we do without the guns for those shotgun weddings. You've sold me.

  8. because abstinence only is a institutionalized decision to keep people ignorant about the most natural thing in the world - reproduction.

    guns on the other hand are NOT the most natural thing in the world.

    less guns will mean less murders and suicides.

    less education about birth control will mean MORE unwanted babies and in the end MORE abortions.

    i can't believe that anyone with any intelligence or integrity would be in support of a policy that literally makes ignorance the law.

  9. I don't.

    As far as abstinence is concerned, I don't think people want it to be the only thing taught, just to be included in what is currently being taught.

  10. You must be a virgin to compare guns with s*x.

  11. That's quite a stretch.  By such logic, then there is no need to have Laws..

    Now, because the realities are that people do indeed break laws, we not only have the legislation recognizing crimes, but a system of enforcement and consequences.

    Thus, abstinence-only is much like having laws, but then never actually enforcing them

  12. Abstinence only programs will fail, yes. To have an educational s*x-ed program the teacher needs to talk about birth control, contraceptives, etc. A gun ban? I think a gun ban is necessary. We're the only first world nation that allows guns. It makes sense to ban guns, why would you want people with guns?

  13. only republican thinks like that.

    it's alomost like they are not connected with reality.

    Just like most of them still wants a Bush third term by voting for McCain while they all saw and live through what Bush have done and put our country Through for the past 8 years.

    God have mercy for those republicans

  14. Every normal person gets horny, but only perverted people get their rocks off with assault weapons and cop-killer bullets.  Next stupid question?

  15. You have a defective premise here.  A truly accurate comparison would be issuing firearms to children without telling them that they should abstain from shooting anyone. We issue them condoms which is like saying we know you are going to do it anyway but if you do wear these.  That is like telling them that when they shoot someone, here is a bandage to try to stop the bleeding.


  16. Abstinence prevents STD'S, Abortion doesn't.

  17. I agree.

       I especially don't understand why people think that banning guns would work. A criminal is a criminal because he doesn't give a **** about the law; if he won't obey the law in other instances what would make one think that he'd obey the law saying it's illegal to have a gun?

  18. I totally agree with that

  19. It comes down to this about 10% of Americans are intelligent well informed voters however, we are at the whim of the other 90% that just randomly vote. I firmly believe that all votes are not equal.

    In many countries voting is mandatory and if you don't vote you are fined. I like this idea, however I would take it one step further in that I would give all voters a simple test. The test would include questions about each parties platform and stances on different issues. I would then count votes based on a percentage of your score on the test.

    If I score a 100% then my vote should be worth twice what some fool that scored a 50% counts. People with IQ below 85 should be exempt and not allowed to vote. Under our current system my vote counts the same as a retards!

    Now to the issue, there are 0 studies that show stronger gun bans stop violence. That is because criminals don't buy guns at the gun store. (DUH) Only honest people who have no criminal records can buy a gun from a gun store. When you ban guns all you do is empower criminals because they no longer have to fear that someone they try to rob may be armed.

    I am a soldier with 3 combat tours, I currently work in Washington, DC. I am far more frightened when I take public transportation here in DC. Than I was doing combat patrols in Iraq. To begin with I am unarmed, by myself, and surrounded my armed criminal gangs.

    In the last couple months violent protesters have attacked several soldiers in uniform while they were riding public transportation. In response the Military has asked soldiers to bring civilian cloths to work and not wear their uniforms when going to and from work. This is the country we live in where as a soldeir I have to be in fear of being injured by my own citizens, I have to try and blend in so as not to be attacked when going to work. If soldiers started carrying guns with them and shoot a few attackers this would stop right quick. I personally carry a fighting knife tucked in my pocket and the first person to put hands on me is getting sliced up real good I can promise you that.

  20. Bob, your question went right over the heads of these ....explicits.

    Instead of intelligent debate, you got ranting.

  21. All living things feel compelled to reproduce, but how many living things feel compelled to shoot someone in the face with a gun?

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