
Why do people believe being g*y isn't a choice, but being transgendered is?

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*edit* I've read Whipping Girl. Good read.




  1. Who said that being transgendered was? I can see that it is a choice to have the surgery done, but there is no choice of feeling that you want it done, or that you feel that you are a woman trapped in a man's body. You do not choose to feel like that but you do have a choice to have the surgery done.

  2. i have nothing nice to say on this subject so i will say nothing at all, except that it is total bu!!s#it who would choose to be trans? i now i sure didn't

  3. I don't believe that being transgendered is a choice, neither do I believe that being g*y or straight is a choice.  

  4. when did being transgendered become a choice i have been this way ever since i can remember it isnt sexual or anything feels nornal and comfortable to wear clothing that society says is for woman so i dont believe it is a choice

  5. everything u want to do is a choice, temptation isnt a choice, but u can choose to go with it or not, plain and simple.

  6. because very few people know anything about gender, how a baby is conceived, and why they are either male or female physically, and how someone becomes female or male intellectually or genetically.

  7. Sure, one would choose to act in a manner that is totally contrary to society and knowingly incur the wrath of the "normal" people.  The "normal" world does not know of the confusion and internal torment that we go through while growing up knowing that things don't make sense.  Just like we choose to deal with transsexuality's running partner, depression.  

  8. Julia Serano explains it all in her book "Whipping Girl".  This is required reading for anyone interested in gender.

  9. Because the ignorance society has, even in the LGB community, is very large when it comes to transgender and transsexual people.

    Those who cross dress, they do choose to do it, though they can't help liking it of course and there's nothing wrong with doing it anyway.

    Transsexualism is something that is scientifically proven to occur in the womb. Most transsexuals recall having dysphoric feelings for as long as they can remember (I know I did), long before they understood anything about transsexuals or even heard of the word.

    Since 10% of the population is g*y, it's inevitable we're going to hear something about it, and LGB people are more likely to be understood if there are that many voices to be heard. However, the population of transsexual people (I don't know about transgender though but it's also pretty small) is by far less than 1%. There is no ratio that's very reliable but the closest one is 1 for every 30,000-300,000 people, which is extremely small. So we're a very unheard of, very misunderstood, very hidden group, and since transsexuals don't like being trans (I'd kill to be born a bio-guy), we suppress our feelings and hide ourselves like everything. What really doesn't help our numbers is that half of us attempt suicide before age 20 and half die before age 30. :/

  10. you are not born transgendered...... its impossible

  11. I don't believe that being transgendered is a choice.

  12. because you choose to walk into the hospital and lie down on the surgery table.

  13. Its a choice to have surgery done. Not to be transgendered

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