
Why do people believe global warning is made up and not a real problem?

by Guest10816  |  earlier

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I hear a lot of people make comments that global warming is fake, why is it fake? I don't know much about it myself, but everything I've heard about it seems to be backed by scientific research at this point. So why do people make it seem like it's not a big deal and that it's not really happening?




  1. Because it is neither a problem, nor is it real.

    The science proves itself, not some media hype, or misguided politician who's only intent to 'rip you off'.

    If CO2, (or any other gas for that matter) was a so-called 'greenhouse gas', then the scientists should be able to prove it.

    They can not prove it because it only exists in 'academia land'.

    Without going into a long and drawn out spiel, I would like to give a couple of links which help to explain how far this farce has been perpetuated, and how the majority of scientists have been affectively gagged.


    on that page you will find a very interesting audio clip worth listening to.

    Scientists do not say that 'Global Warming' does not exist since it has happened many times in the past.

    The question is whether man could have any impact on a global scale.

    The answer is 'ABSOLUTELY NOT'!

    If people could be bothered enough to learn some basic science, they would soon realize how insane this hype really is and could start dedicating their efforts to worthy causes.

    There is much that mankind has to answer for, but 'Global Warming' is not one of them!

    People believe what they wish to believe.

    What still surprises me is how CO2 is considered a so-called 'Greenhouse Gas', when the fact is that without it there would be no life on this planet!

    Also the fact that the extremely small levels of carbon dioxide gas that we have is so minute that I am amazed that life can exist!

  2. Global warming and climate change have been going on for milennia.

    Glaciers once came as far south as Toronto and nobody noticed they were gone until now. So what has changed?

    There are now people driving the theory that global warming is a new phenomenon, that humans are somehow responsible for the glaciers melting.  

    The Green agenda is a political and fascist agenda. The Green agenda is to change society to meet it's utopian ideals. The thin edge of the wedge is to encourage people to do benign things such as being more frugal and having less impact on the planet.

    The Green agenda is starting to flex its muscle by getting politicians to shift the tax burden to people who use fuels, nevermind that such a shift will drive the cost of living through the roof and will not reduce energy requirements.

    The Green agenda is a fascist agenda that will thrive by encouraging the ignorance manifested in spreading popular myths such as the present popular (and incorrect) global warming theory and presenting the theory as fact.

    The Green agenda is to make legislation that requires you to be more frugal to the point of serious deterioration of your quality of life. We will wind up freezing in the dark for more than a voluntary hour if we permit the Green agenda to go forward.

    So global warming is not made up. Global warming is not a real problem. The real problem is the Green fanaticism that is sweeping the globe even though it is based largely on false premises and has fascist political aspirations.

    I predict a return to the dark ages.

  3. The whole global warming idea is to shift government spending through grants to alternative fuel development, so basically, Al Gore's companies will pay very little to research and develop their fuels and will make huge profits.  Where does the money come from?  YOUR pockets through taxes.

    If you stop researching from the propoganda sites that support this hysteria, you will find plenty of scientists and their research that disprove the agenda-driven scientists who want more funding.  There are PLENTY of scientists who disagree with the EPA, IPCC, and every other "green" organization that wants to put and end to "global warming".  If you look at all of the media reports, they always make claims that those who refuse to accept the theory of global warming are all funded by oil companies and such.  That's the media for you.  Always telling lies and spreading their propoganda.

    Global temperatures are still cooler than they were just 500 years ago, right before the Little Ice Age.  Temperatures have been cooling every year since 1998, the famed "global warming must be happening" year.  NASA will make the claim that 2007 was the hottest on record, but they stand alone on that statement.  their followers may cite that, but almost all of the organizations taking temperature readings will say it was much cooler than 1998.

    If you look at the base period for their comparisons of today's temperatures, it is from 1951 to 1980.  That was a time of a cooling cycle. But if you look at the charts, they always state we are .5 degrees warmer today.  If they use a base period of 0-2008 as their "ideal temperature, we would be looking at a temperature difference of -.5 degrees.  It is all statistical manipulation.  The famous "hockey stick" chart underestimates the temperatures during the medival warming period.  

    Also, "people say that Africa is feeling the effects of global warming very hard".  Do you believe everything you hear?  Not too many people go to Africa, so anyone can say they are feeling the effects greatly.  It's like saying Antartica is feeling the effects real hard, nobody is there to really prove it.  The can only show ice shelfs breaking off, which happens every southern hemisphere summer.  Satellite photos are kind of useless because they have only been imaging them for a little over 20 years.  Since the early 80's the temperature has been returning to normal, so the ice at the poles will melt a little bit.  It's all rhetoric and statistical manipulation.

    To the person that says those who deny are not educated on the issue, I would like to see your credentials.  Mine are a fairly impressive, but I am not a climatologist.  I know how to read statistics and know how to manipulate them too.  An economist has more credibility than these climatologists, mainly because they know how to read and interpret statistics.

  4. Stop blaming people for what the earth does naturally. The planet has been extremely warm and extremely cold it works in cycles. We are warming up from the last ice age; there weren't always glaciers on this planet. The dinosaurs didn't live on a cold planet. The wooly mammoths lived on a cold planet what did they all die of over hunting? NO! Car emissions HAHAHAHAHAHAHA  come on the facts are in front of your face. If you think people are to blame for the planet warming up, do us all a favor and hold your breath to reduce the co2 you keep spewing out every time you yell GLOBAL WARMING.

  5. That mainly comes from Americans.  Their news is heavily filtered and managed to make them think and believe exactly what the Government wants them to.  The Government has fought to suppress information about climate change since 2000.  On the Internet there is more disinformation than there is information, especially with an issue like this one where there is a profit to be made by misleading people.

    As far as I can see, people in other countries are up to speed, as are many of the State governments.  18 States are so militant about it they are suing the Federal Government trying to remove several of the roadblocks the Fed has thrown up.  I wish them well, but I doubt they will be able to fix the USA until we have an election.

    I know this gives the rest of the world the impression that Americans are selfish, lazy, stupid, ignorant, and bellicose.  In fairness to them though, it isn't entirely their fault.  The entire educational budget is now spent just to keep them that way, and many other budgets as well.


    Actually Cindy W, our "perfect" temperature is 40 degrees F.  That's been known for ages.  We are at our best physically, mentally and psychologically at this temperature.  We are most resistant to disease too.  For a species that evolved at the peak of an Ice Age, that should be no surprise.

  6. I was wondering about it myself. They probably peg it down as something fake because they haven't been properly educated/informed ABOUT global warming. I'm sure they'll change their minds for sure.

  7. people do not believe that global warming is necessarily a myth; they believe that man-induced global warming is a hoax.  Actually, interesting article came out yesterday on profiteering from the man-induced global warming hoax (see below).  Forget about the "Exxon funded the deniers..." excuse... Try Al Gore making a fortune in the new "Climate Change Scare" industry!  FOLLOW THE MONEY...

    Gore investment body closes $683m fund

    By Fiona Harvey in London

    Published: April 29 2008 19:55 | Last updated: April 29 2008 19:55

    The investment vehicle headed by Al Gore has closed a new $683m fund to invest in early-stage environmental companies and has mounted a robust defence of green investing.

    The Climate Solutions Fund will be one of the biggest in the growing market for investment funds with an environmental slant.


    Climate target eludes Japan-EU - Apr-24

    Tokyo criticises Bush carbon plan - Apr-18

    Editorial Comment: Credible climate policy - Apr-18

    Bush climate strategy falls flat - Apr-17

    Stern takes bleaker view on warming - Apr-16

    Bush targets 2025 in move on emissions - Apr-17

    The fund will be focused on equity investments in small companies in four sectors: renewable energy; energy efficiency technologies; energy from biofuels and biomass; and the carbon trading markets.

    This is the second fund from Generation Investment Management, chaired by the former vice-president of the US and managed by David Blood, former head of Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

    The first, the Global Equity Strategy Fund, has $2.2bn invested in large companies the company judges have “sustainable“ businesses, from an environmental, social and economic viewpoint. Mr Blood said he expected that fund to be worth $5bn within two years, based on commitments from interested investors.

    Mr Blood said raising $683m for the new fund in the midst of “market disruption” showed the resilience of green investing. “The fact we were able to raise $683m was extraordinary, so our experience is that it has not really been a problem [raising funds despite what is] generally a difficult environment,” he told the Financial Times.

    “A fear expressed by some is that the first thing to go in a downturn is the nice-to-have sort of investment. Some people put green investments in that category, but we think that is nonsense. This is not nice-to-have – it is fundamental finance...because the transition from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy is a ginormous step that is going to happen quickly,” he said.

    Both Mr Gore and Mr Blood had invested in the new fund to a “pretty sizeable” extent, Mr Blood said.

    The average size of investment made by the new fund is likely to be about $30m, in small private or public companies. All of the investors in the new fund were drawn from the company’s existing pool of investors.

    None were willing to be named but existing investors in the Global Equity Strategy Fund include the Swiss private bank Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch; the California State Teachers Retirement System; Sweden’s Mistra Foundation; and Australia’s Victoria Super Fund.

    Last year, Generation formed a partnership with the Silicon Valley venture capitalists Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers to collaborate on possible investments.

    Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008

  8. Here is a link to all the false claims being made about global warming. It shows how the false claims are pushed as the facts.

  9. Well, for your information, the number of global warming skeptical scientists has grown to 88 percent of the climate scientists.  There never was a consensus.  

    You can look it up on or

    One thing you alarmists fail to realize while we increase from 67 to 68 deg F or 60 to 61, is that "ALARMISTS" scientists or otherwise CANNOT EVEN REMOTELY GIVE A GUESS TO WHAT OUR PERFECT TEMPERATURE IS!  That's what makes every single one of those morons more moronic.  So, we are developing this fright fest without an end goal, a means to basically no end and all that it produces is ridiculous accusations of nothing about nothing and to reach a goal that results in ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

  10. There is a stream of anti-intellectualism running through America and it is spearheaded by the right wing. Their goal is to keep people uninformed so that large corporate interests can continue raping the average person of their money (top oil companies just shattered profit expectations while small businesses go bankrupt and people struggle to make ends meet). This latest fashion of sheepish and lazy minded people involves taking pride in being uninformed and to label people who *are* informed as "elitists" as if this is a horrible thing to be. They won't let facts get in the way of what they want to believe.

  11. This year GLOBAL temperatures have fallen.  It's a very cool year, literally.  Ice has returned where it has melted before.  Those may be reasons people, like me, realize Global Warming doesn't exist as per the media suggests it does.

    The Earth warms and cools on its own cycle.  In Greenland, where there are glaciers now, back in medieval times, there were farms there.  That's why it was called Greenland, it was green and lush.  We're emerging from a mini-ice-age and people are panicking.

    I hope this helps.

  12. The cause is not there. Suppose the green house gases has increased 300% . It has because of our plants to handle the CO2. But the total green house is still 1.1%. Gore's movie has been proved a fake.

  13. first just so u no - the term is "Global Warming"

    My thoughts are - they're prolly tryin to make themselves believe its made up because if they did believe they'd be scared.  I think its a defense mechanizm brought on by being terrified for their families lives and their own, its all too real to not believe in it.  You have to look at it this way, how has the weather been changing in the past few years I mean we r breaking records almost every season these days its all part of the bigger picture which is Global Warming. How many winters do u remember it going up to 80 in NY?  well last yr it did!  i'd say that is part of global warming wouldnt u?

  14. I'm inclined to agree with Sally. People believe that global warming is fake because that's an easier belief easier to live with. Also, I think subconscious greed plays into effect as well. If people took global warming seriously, they would have to make lifestyle changes and give up some needless luxuries. The bottom line is that nobody will do anything until the deaths start, and by then it'll probably be too late.

  15. its real and its killing the planit every day but i think its just a lack ofl  understanding  i am in the 7th grade and they dont tell us aney thing !!!!! they should tell us more about it !!!!! we are the futer  ( if there will even be one)

  16. Alot of people don't believe global warming is real because they don't want to believe that they are hurting the environment. THEY want their voice to be heard and its easier to stand on a soap box and get peoples attention when you say that top scientists, biologists and researches are all wrong, and THEY are right just because they have an opinion and believe eveything is a conspiracy.

    Who benefits from saying that the polar ice caps are melting?

    Scientists and researchers who keep their jobs. That's it. The government doesn't. It costs them more money to fix problems and the price increases the more we avoid it.

    What's Global Warming:

    "Global warming refers the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans and its projected continuation.The global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 0.74 00.18 C(1.33 0.32° ) over the past 100 years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) concludes, "most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenicgreenhouse gas concentrations" via the greenhouse effect, "anthropogenic" meaning caused by human activity."

  17. there have a lack of understanding of it. i go to school with a girl who doesnt think it's real. she even says the glaciers in antartica are as big as they've ever been! how crazy can you get?

  18. It boils down to which political party they belong too.

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