
Why do people believe that Iran is dangerous with nuclear powered facilities?

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It's not like they want to wipe a country off the map or anything. They just want to make energy.




  1. I hope your being sarcastic as they have stated that is what their plans are....liberal fools refused to accept FACTS and see what they really nuke Israel and make it glow in the dark as they wipe it off the map...not my words...they are the words of the Iranian wacko leader

  2. Because Iran SAID SO.

    Yes they do. They SAID SO.

    Why would Iran, sitting on oil, NEED nuclear 'energy'? LOL

    You must be asking this question with tongue in cheek because you can't possibly be serious.

  3. Honestly, it's a "ONLY IN AMERICA" US warmongering propaganda as another made up B.S pathetic excuse, to create public fear in Americans to agree to invade another country and win presidential votes for a old ex US war veteran.

    Outside the USA, Iran is not a threat to any other country in the world or even ever mentioned in any newspaper or on any television news.

    Since only 8% of the whole US population has or holds a US passport or have ventured more than 200 miles from where they were born or know anything about world geography or culture. Makes Americans easy to manipulate to truly believe this US media made up propaganda poppycock.

    Anyone can do it by using N.D. (natural direct) tinted lenses on cameras and show images of deserts, camels or muslim women and children from using pre exhisting "Afghanistan",  "Iraq" desert film footage that has been used by US media to make Iran look like a third world country.

    Believe me, I've been to Iran and you don't see anything like that there. It's just like going to Canada and it's very beautiful country with utra modern cities and you see miles of green grass and wild flower covered fields hills, mountains as you drive out of the cities. There are large rivers and lakes and very well preserved anchient cities and many coastal towns with 5 star hotels as well as when you go to the ski fields.

    With there strong economy, growing industry and population. They were in the process to change over to nuclear energy as many countries in the world are currently doing (except the USA) rather than using fosil fuel energy which is creating green house gas emissions.

  4. The Iranian Government are sending hundreds of landmines to Iraq to kill British and American soldiers, if they were of peaceful intent they would not be doing this, this why they must be stopped because they are gearing themselves up to kill not because they fear invasion but because hatred for these people is a way of life, The devil's cauldron!

  5. it what they do with the BYPRODUCTS of the nuke power make BOMBS with it..THATS what scares people..

  6. if the U.S really wanted their leader gone and have a peaceful solution he would have been wacked when he was in New York visiting~!!!

    this situation is just part of the game bein played on us~!!!

  7. and bush said democracy would be good for iraq........whats your point?

  8. Uh, "I'll have what he is smoking!"

    Seriously, that country is runby a bunch of nutballs that i wouldn't trust WITHOUT nukes.

    With them?  oh lord.....

  9. 1979, that has never been resolved.

  10. You are kidding right? How many times does the Iranian leader have to say Israel will be wiped off the map? He has stated this in public no less than 10 times!

    Where have you been? I'm thinking you must live in a country without a TV, newspaper or radio.

  11. its not the power plants,its the spent fuel rods being centrifuged..they have over 2000 of them running now....

  12. Well they do want to wipe a country off the map, and subjugate a few others into their version of Muslim too.

    Their leadership isn't wrapped too tight and going nuclear isn't a good thing for that entire region.

    Its not just Israel, that's their excuse and the rest of the middle east knows it at the higher levels, they really want to shove their religious leadership down the whole regions throat.

    If they get too close, Israel will bomb their reactor as they did once before and the other countries will make hypocritical remarks critical of Israel  in public and breathe a sigh of relief in private, just like they did before.

  13. We don't know that, while I agree the country ought to be allowed an industrial revolution, they are not a country best known for its peacefulness!

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