
Why do people believe that democracy is the best system....or is it the best?

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Why do people believe that democracy is the best system....or is it the best?




  1. It didn't work out too well for Socrates.

    Pure democracy can be a horrible thing. It needs to be buffered. The system that was set up in the U.S. (and that Bush has worked very hard to undermine) works because there are three branches that are always in contention thus preventing too great a concentration of power in any of them.

    For that reason, Congress should never give up any of its power to the executive branch as it did when it allowed bush to declare war on their behalf. Now he wants the national purse strings to save businesses that he says are necessary to the welfare of the nation. And Congress may be stupid enough to let him have them.

  2. People believe it is the best because it gives the illusion of making a difference. This is not true though, because first of all you're voting for another president that will be a puppet for the government, making it bigger and more powerful, and you're not actually voting on laws or anything. Even if your vote did matter though, what about the minority? Do they have to sacrifice their rights because the majority says so? No. As Churchill said, democracy is the worst type of government, besides all the other ones that have been tried.

  3. Pure democracy is not the best system.

  4. Democracy is the best because it gives freedom of speech. It is the best

  5. Theocracy, Constitutional Republic, Parliamentary Monarchy are all governmental systems that are far superior to a pure democracy. If 50%+1 of the people in a pure democracy think child molestation is ok it would not be illegal under that system.

    I prefer benevolent dictatorship (with me being the dictator of course!)

  6. The biggest flaw of democracy is humanity has proven itself incompetent in making good desecions.  Look at Bush, I mean he lost popular vote, but so many people voted for him still.  There should be a test thingy to make sure you are an educated voter.

  7. i say we start a monarchy :) jk

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