
Why do people believe the neocons are against the global warming ethanol scam when they promote it & benefit..

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...from it? Why do they believe the Rush Limbaugh's lies that only Al Gore and "liberals" are behind it when Bush & Co are pushing for this too? The neocons are purposely saying this so you'll discount the legitimate arguments against this global warming economic price/tax scheme!

Bush and ethanol:

Who stands to gain the most from Bush's ethanol plan?

"Part of these investments will come from the large multinational corporations, since companies that produce transgenics—Syngenta, Monsanto, Dupont, Dow, Bayer, BASF—have investments in crops designed for the production of biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel.9 Some of these corporations are preparing to sell genetically modified seed to increase productivity of crops sown for ethanol production."




  1. Because they are gullible and bamboozled by Republican lies

  2. I know this is hard to believe but some in the Republican and many conservatives do not automatically  agree with the president on everything he does.  

    Many of us do not believe in man made global warming and think ethanol is a real scam.  We were disappointed when Pres Bush and McCain bought into it.

    Many want ethanol and most farm subsidies ended exploration and development of American Oil and Natural gas, Nuclear power and  full policy to get off foreign oil like we had with the space program.

    AS for Corn Based Ethanol.  It  called  IOWA where every 4 years the process for President starts and what do they grow there?   That why Dem and Rep buy into it.

  3. It's easy to blame neocons for everything. In fact, it's the old time financial Conservatives we need to watch out for.

    Corn growers are NOT taking food out of the mouths of the poor.

    Dramatically rising international corn prices have led to expensive tortillas.

    But who is profiting from these speculatory price rises? With all the noise the Media is making trying to blame U.S. farmers, maybe we should look at the owners of the media and their financial buddies. As usual, the real cause of financial strain can be traced to our 'overlords' in the financial district. They think they own us. And so long as we do nothing to disabuse them of the notion, they're RIGHT.

  4. They just say "God" in every speech then the morons in America believe every word they say.  Corn-grown-bio-diesel is a terrible alternative for oil.  The impact on food prices will cancel out any benefits to growing our fuel on farms.

  5. Ethanol is a scam, because it doesn't solve any problems.  You can't use 'food' for 'fuel'.  As it is, you can only use soil so many times before it is useless.  So aside from reusing valuable land, valuable soil, displacing trees and so on, you're also adding to the amount of toxic fertilizer gets added to the environment and all that is inolved, from farming, processing, transporting, refining, etc... ulitmately uses nearly as much energy from fossil fuels as does the gasoline from fossil fuels which ethanol replaces...  So in the end, it does nothing but waste food, farmland, soil, etc.

    hybrid, hydrogen electric is the way to go, technology is already here, ethonol was a mistake and if we're not careful, we'll allow for companies take a runaway lead, converting crops to ethnolol and diminish interest in hybrids as a better solution.

    Whatever happens... fuel stations will remain a part of the plan.

  6. I know Bush has been pumping ethanol, but so have Obama and Hillary, and I believe Mcain as well.  Even though corn based ethanol is a stupid idea, all the politicians seem to be jumping on the bandwagon in order to secure the midwest vote and to please the farming lobby.  

    Actually ethanol wouldn't be such a bad idea if it were sugar based ethanol.  We could get a big boost in supply real quick if we just took off the tarrifs imposed on ethanol imported from Brazil.  I don't know about you, but I'd much rather buy ethanol from Brazil than oil from Saudi Arabia.

  7. would you own up to being connected or involved in genocide,wholesale destruction of Nature

    to make soap or fuel .

    If you where a Politician who is trying to get the public on his side.

    What people say and do have always been different countries

    Even the Vatican is made up of two sides ,the immoral one that makes the money

    and the goody love everyone side that wants to benevolently control the people

    All the world is a stage ,and most of the American Public ,thinks the play ,is the real thing.

    First you have to investigate ,WHO we are talking about as being the owners of destructive forces

    .And are the corridors of power (Since the first president ) all in the same mansion????

    lets call them the zds

    Why is famine allowed to happen ,More than half ot the worlds food production is diverted towards the production of ethanol

    by those who have access to and are the biggest source of intelligence on the planet ,

    Does any one really believe these outcomes could not have been foreseen???

    Is it not possible that this was a part of a strategy by the zds ,to depopulate the planet and making some money on the way ,After all they said in a meeting in Copenhagen in 1998 that they needed to go back to a world population of about 3 billion.

    Now who are these Neo cons connected too

    dont tell me is it the zds

    and what are they shouting


    And we are asking the zds to save us .

    ha ha ha

    excuse me but i think that is funny

    Now find out who owns yahoo ,

    and you will see why people who feel sorry for the larder or who dig or question too much .disappear.

    this is a dangerous question

  8. Like many false beliefs, people believe that because of extensive media and government brainwashing aimed at slanting information to lead people to believe there is a real difference between the political parties.

    Until people start to understand that multinational corporations and global elites control BOTH political parties, people will keep falling for this type of hogwash.

    People must understand that the good old days of main stream media exercising principles of good journalism are GONE.  Responsible journalism went out the door with the consolidation of media ownership into the hands of a very few corporate conglomerates.

    Big Media Interlocks with Corporate America

    Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of Ownership

    Graphical view - 25 years of media mergers

    See also the following thought-provoking read, which covers the media issue in detail:

  9. I totally agree with you. Bless your heart for exposing this complete neo-con scam. It is oil with a green face on it. If they were really serious about bio fuels they would not use our food sources. Corn already gets the most subsidies than any other crop, is less efficient than even sugar by almost a factor off three.

    And the industry makes tons of money to boot. The average farmer is making over 77,000 a year and that is not even factoring in the seed companies where the real motive and profits are. They are getting even more sickeningly rich off the tax payers backs.

    The solution in terms of bio-fuel is to stop subsidizing an already wildly profitable industry that causes poverty and starvation in other countries.

    We need to switch to switch grass, some wood chips, and Jatropha which can be grown in arid regions and can reap over 40% of its fruit in oil.

    I think our motto needs to be "get corporations and other big businesses off of welfare".

    Great great question. You get a star *   : )

  10. I love this, I love it. Trying to pull down conservatives with you, eh? Ridiculous.

    You want to know why Bush eventually pushed for ethanol? Because the environmentalists and liberals demanded it. Plain and simple, if there was not demand for it, Bush would not have signed on board.

    And regarding big business making money off of ethanol: how do you think that the United States is going to transition off of oil? It isn't going to be some grassroots movement, it isn't going to be mom and pop general stores, no, it is going to be big business.

    And isn't that what the liberals have been spouting as the "benefits" of acting on global warming? That businesses would make more money?

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