
Why do people believe what they hear and just go with the popular opinion?

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Why do people believe what they hear and just go with the popular opinion?




  1. im not religious! isnt that thinking for yourself? i have my own ideas never listen to what other people think im not a  sheep

  2. They're sheep. It's human nature. Much of mankind is like a big herd of sheep. (and I didn't read Mel's post until I posted mine.) Whatever side the rock and rollers and the Hollywood people are on, everyone wants to side with them.

  3. Yes - Strange how people will tell you that Pat Roberson and Newt Gingrich believe in global warming, so you should as well.

    NASA scientist have determined that the Sun is responsible for half of all warming on Earth.  I guess some think they know better than the scientist at NASA.

  4. because for every person that thinks for themselves there are twenty that just follow the leader. As I stated in one of my books (for every fool who calls himself a leader there ten thousand idiots who will follow)

  5. Just ask Hillary Clinton...It's what she does..

  6. I don't.  I don't go by "popular opinion".  But these guys have my respect, and that of the scientific community.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    They all say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.  EVERY major scientific organization does.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  7. Quite simply, because they are too lazy to become informed enough about the topic itself and all expert opinions offered for discussion to have an educated position.  In addition, too many people just don't have developed analytical skills.  

    So they go with what seems like popular opinion so they can give the appearance of having a clue---and unfortunately, all of their friends are in the same boat. That is why...

  8. some are scared of getting judged if they go "out of the ordinary"

    like me :(

    the popular opinion is a way that some gain acceptance, to just be in the "in" crowd

    hope this helps!

  9. Because it is easier to go along with the crowd and believe what you hear.  Most people don't want to take the time to research something and make an INFORMED DECISION.

  10. I guess because they DO NOT KNOW any better and think the majority must know better than they they guess and hope they are correct..

  11. I don't know, why do you?

  12. Well I for one actually study and research at least a little bit before i form an opinion on something.

    I can't tell you why other people don't think for themselves though.

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