
Why do people blame President Bush for everything that has gone wrong in this country?

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Yes we had a war, that we all said had to be.Now its almost fixed. They blamed him for Katrina and for the housing crunch.( He went and told all those people to buy houses they couldn't afford). Now he is being blamed for the energy crunch. I feel bad for our President. All they ever are are fall guys for whatever grieves the public.




  1. It is unfair to blame Bush & Co: for anything gone wrong , because he was elected twice by the Americans ,

    So USA as a nation is to be blamed IF anything had gone wrong in USA or elsewhere by USA.

  2. It's tradition; every President before him went through the same thing, if he feels that he is singled out for special treatment, one should consider the history of our culture.

    His father had much more criticism; although, that was pre-internet days.

  3. Not "All" of us wanted this war. He did nothing to help the citizens effected by "Katrina", His deregulation of the banking industry has led to its collapse, His none energy plan to reduce our dependance on foreign oil, his lack of support to wounded troops and thier families is not where the "military spending is going, it's going to "contractors" like Haliberton and Black Water. So blame him for everything? No.... just the things he and the Republican Congress are responsible for.

  4. its simple ... he is our president .. duh

  5. Because he's responsible.

  6. History will prove the Bush was is not very popular being president when a war is going on and you are fighting on two fronts; at home and abroad.  Lincoln was not very popular either...but history proved him right  And keep in mind THAT is what the libs solutions.

  7. Yes, I'm truly amazed that one man could be held responsible for everything that goes wrong in the world, but yet gets no credit for anything that goes right.  I think that there are a couple of reasons for this.

    1. In an attempt to regain power in all three branches of the federal government, the Democrats planned out a very disciplined and consistent strategy.  In unison, like a drumbeat, they consistently bash Bush, et al, until people hear it so much that they start to believe it.  At the same time, they take no responsibility for their own actions.  A good example is their years-long opposition and blockage of any meaningful energy legislation, which they now call Bush's failed policy!  Another example is their blockage of any Social Security funding reform.

    2. Bush has served at a time in history in which there is great danger and many terrible events have occurred.  People become weary of enduring this stuff, wanting to retreat to the safety of our nests.  With time, they associate their feelings with the fact that Bush is in office.  He is the one who has been very successful in protecting this nation and creating a strong economy in spite of the the economic threats, yet his name leaves a bad taste in some people's mouths.  People illogically blame him for the bad events because he's the one in the White House.

    I personally think Bush is a good president, although I don't agree with all of his decisions and actions.  I think history will rate him quite highly in his effectively in dealing with the economy, with terrorisim and the Jihadist threat to our way of life, and his ability to see "the big picture" worldwide.  I like the fact that Bush is decisive and focused on what's important and is not swayed by the constant yapping of the Democrat pack dogs.

  8. Cause they're ignorant.  

  9. He gets the blame because he is the one in charge. You cannot take the credit for anything good that happens when in charge and then blame someone else when bad happens. That is called not taking responsibility.

  10. It is Bush Derangement Syndrome -  "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush".  the term indicates a belief that some extreme criticisms of President Bush are of emotional origins rather than based on facts or logic.

  11. with out even trying,I can think of over 4000 reasons  {along with their grieving mothers} why Bush screwed the American people.along with Americans losing jobs,the price of gas slamming the American people,Americans cival libertys being taken away,smearing the good American name overseas,I could write a book.

  12. Because he's the one who dug this BIG SH*T-HOLE 4 America !

    And I myself have done two tours in Iraq ,and 20 odd years in the U.S.Army . So I can point my finger at Bush because he's the one that ordered our military to invade Iraq ! Which had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. When he should have sent all those forces into Afghanistan to look 4 Osama Bin Laden & Al Qaeda/ Taliban's ? I think some where in the White House that must have come to someone's little pea brain ? God you hope so ? But that's the reason every one will point at Bush and say Bad man,Bad man ! And I know I'll get thumbs down because what I said is true,and people in general hate the truth ! So let's see them thumbs blind one's who have no ideal about WAR ,and the effects it has on anyone even after they return from that h**l hole they'll never be the same never.So sign-up and go over there and find out the truth 4 ur self .Oh and keep your head down .

  13. Hold on! I never agreed to this war. And yet I had to watch my brother go fight and risk his life for this pointless war. The war is almost fixed? You have no clue. You just listen to the news, how about visiting Iraq or Afghanistan for yourself, I bet your view on that would change instantly. People were mad about Katrina  because he waited to long to act. And you say he is the fall guy. Well duh!! He's the president, he knew what he was getting into before he got elected! I mean his dad was a former president so he knew the role and what will be placed on him.  And for military spending, Ummm soldiers are being paid a record low now compared to in the previous based on inflation and the amount.   But, to end this answer. Is no president Bush is not to blame for all these problems. but he is the president and we look to our leader for answers and he continues to stall or give us wrong answers we feel betrayed by our own leader! He will go down as the worst president thus far. We will see if McCain can top him! Hopefully we will not witness that.

  14. Because that moron and all his greedy friends are in the process of systematically destroying the American way of life - as well as the world.  They are inveterate liars and inhuman scum.  Bush's motto is: if you're rich you deserve it; if you're poor you deserve it.  All this from an idiot who never worked a day in his life ...

  15. President Bush is the scapegoat that is being used in order to take the attention off the real problem.

    First there would not be a war unless Congress approved it.  What is Congress?

    The President can say anything he wants but he cannot do anything but send in the Marines without Congress approval.

    President Bush has veto'd bills that were unreasonable just to have Congress vote it in by the default rules of voting, and forcing Mr. Bush to sign bills he does not agree with.

    President Bush is the anti-christ... right?  he caused Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and was solely responsible for the levys breaking in New Orleans, even though the money was sent to Louisiana's state government to fix the roads and the levys.

    President Bush is the reason for the tsunami that his in the southeast, and he is responsible for the California brush fires.  He is responsible for global warming, and he is responsible for the next impending ice age.  If it were not for Mr. Bush becoming President, we would not be in the mess we are in, although excessive spending and the sense of entitlement came long before many of us were born, and even before Mr. Bush was out of primary school.

    The President is only as strong as his weakest link, and currently that is a do-nothing Democratic congress who would rather take 5 weeks off to play golf than to vote on issues that involve the entire nation.  As for that oil drilling vote, who CARES which way it is voted?  I care that they didn't even bother voting at all.  Shows the dem's don't give a rat's patootie about us.

    Thank you for your kids' service.  I have mine in the USMC... and yes, they depend on good ol' Uncle Sam to take care of them properly, after all, aren't our kids taking care of good ol Uncle Sam?

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