
Why do people blame the government/jews for all thier problems?

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Why do people blame the government/jews for all thier problems?




  1. because people are to proud to admit that they failed 'cause of themselves so they have to blame something or someone.

  2. Because they are unhappy with their own dysfunctional lives and someone has to take the blame for it.

  3. Because otherwise they would have to go out and fix up their own problems. It is much easier to sit at home in the trailer park and blame people who have never met you for all your problems, than it is to try harder.


  4. watched a movie last nite, ''this is england'' shows towards the end how a british nationalist kills a black guy ( also a ''nationalist'') right after hearing the black guy relate how his father did well bringing them up and was always there when they need him - the jealousy and frustration at his own childhood led him to then beat the man up, call him names, and eventually in the space of mins, kill him.... before that though, they were mates. unfortuantely thats the way it goes, jews during the black plague in europe didnt suffer, why? because they were PEDANTIC about bodily cleanliness as it is a part of their religion to wash hands before eating, and after, you cant pray if you smell etc - meanwhile, bc of the fact that they didnt suffer due to their lifestyle, they were blamed for it.... ok this was a while ago, but take the holocaust for example, jews in that time were becoming stronger and stronger within society, albert einstein was a jew, jews owned museums, ran banks, wre great business people, and socity was ''jealous'' of this ( in my opinion) and slowly slowly, this led to racial hate which then became a full blown holocaust. sure jews werent the only victims, but theyv wre undeniably the most affected by racial discrimination. The same happened during the crusades,  in spain..... so many examples. the governmant is blamed bc it makes the decisions for us and sometimes (usually) when they are wrong, who else should we blame? the jews?

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