
Why do people blink??

by Guest56688  |  earlier

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Just bored and curious to know




  1. seriously? it keeps dirt and other obstructions out of our eyes, it also cleans and moistens the eyeball.

  2. It's an automatic function meant to keep the eyeballs moisturized.

  3. idk good question i think that ur eyes get tired and wanna go to sleep? idk im only in third grade!!!!

    hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Blinking is an involuntary response to outside stimuli. It's a form of action that prevents debris and dusts from entering your eyes (a type of protective mechanism). A blink lasts about a 10th of a second, and most people blink about 15 times a minute, or every 4 seconds. Blinking also helps clean your eyes, such as when you have something in your eyes it starts blinking a lot (to help produce tears) to try to get that thing out, or clean it up. You also blink when there's too much bright light. You may well blink in the presence of irritants like when you cut onions and stuff. Stress and anxiety also tends to make you blink more.

  5. So their eyes don't dry up.  

  6. blinking is a way to keep the eyes clean and moist. When the eyelids close over the eyes (as they do each of the ten to fifteen times every minute that the average adult blinks), they coat the eyeballs with three different types of fluid...

  7. two reasons: moisturise, to keep them from drying out, and to keep foreign matter from entering/ irritating our eyes

  8. It keeps your eyes wet and clear of debris.
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