
Why do people brake and nearly come to a complete stop when there is a turn lane made for the purpose?

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Anyone that has ever driven a car in the U.S. will understand my difficulty in understanding this behavior.




  1. Some cases,   lack of thought or inability to make a decision.    Often though,  the turn lanes are of insufficient length to allow one to pull over into it and slow reasonably,   just as many entry and exit ramps are not properly designed.

  2. but is it possible for other cars to be coming from there left or right, you dint have the right of way unless there is light

  3. ummm...  maybe they're making sure no one is going to hit them.  sounds rather safe than stupid.

  4. I think your question really is why do people take up more than one when when turning.  I mean, there are even painted lines to guide you and I think it's so ignorant to drive like you have a 50 foot trailer behind you because you're too lazy or ignorant of others to turn your wheel a few inches for traffic flow.  Sometimes I wish I had a tank to sideplow them.  I usually beep my horn as I pass as close as I feel comfortable to vent.  Chicago here.

  5. A 50 million dollar grant was used to study this problem.  A leftturnophobeia was the name given to people like this over 2,314 people each year suffer.  A disease that is passed down from one gene to the next normally on the woman side.  There is talk in the house to close all left turn lanes and ban all turning to left so these people willn't feel out of place in the world.

  6. Ohhhh...jeez I hate that. For that reason, I cannot drive with my mom. I don't know what else they think the turn lane is for!

  7. Finall!!!!!!!!  Someone who shares my frustration!!  Unfortunately, I don't have an answer but it is sooo nice to hear that somebody finds this situation perplexing as h**l. I have NEVER understood what could be going through people's minds when they are about to make a turn. I have no idea what the thought process could be all about!! Again, sorry I don't have the answer but believe me I wish I did.

  8. well, I do sympathize with your frustration too. About your answer, it depends on the situation in which you are stopping even when you are doing so on a turning lane. I don't know if every State is the same as to driving laws, but in Florida, if you're going to turn right on a turning lane and your traffic light is red for you (providing there are no other restrictions or signs where you can't "turn right on red" for example), you are required by law to come to a complete stop even if there are no cars coming from your left. that is to say, it would be like coming to a Stop Sign, even if you're on a turning lane. (I know because I once got a ticket due to not stopping on a right turning lane when the light was red)

    Now, if you are turning right on a right lane and the light is green for you, then it's just a natural, often exaggerated and stupid, reflex to almost come to a complete stop. It is frustrating but It could also save your life from an idiot running a red light. Now, if a driver turns left on a turning lane when the light is green for them  and they still come to a stop, then that driver should be beaten senseless into oblivion for being stupid hehehe.

    One thing I hate from drivers is when they come to a sudden stop without even looking who's behind. it's like they don't even use their rear view mirrors. I hate that, especially when they floor the brakes because they almost passed the entrance to Mc Donalds, and you almost end up rear-ending them because all they were thinking was "Bic Mac and fries".

    I guess some people think "Safe Driver" means driving slowly and stopping everywhere and for everything. Well, in my book, they couldn't be any more wrong!. To me, that's not a "safe driver", but a "moron driver". lol



  9. The answer to this is simple. They just aren't very good drivers!

  10. Lol. I know I see this all the time where I live. I beep at them and they seem completely oblivious, which is even more worrisome. It makes me think that they need to have their eyes checked. I can see if the markings were dull but they aren't. I'm not sure what the deal is where I live. What kills me is if they miss the first lane for turning then there is another one about 100 feet away, if that.

    edit: From what I've seen and if I have to guess it seems like they don't really know where they are going or change their mind at the last second and think nothing of the cars around them.   We all make mistakes but usually I try to look around me to see if my mistake is going to cause a problem for someone else. You can always drive back around. But I seem to be the exception. I guess that's why I have a perfect driving record.  I don't want anyone to get hurt because of something I did that I could have avoided. A car is a weapon.

  11. because drivers like that are offensive drivers they are the only driver on the road. no one else matters,they feel that you are in there way not them in yours just disrespectful drivers,it's just not right i don't like it any more than you do .they don't understand the rules of the road you wonder how they even got their license?????????

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