
Why do people bring people into the world?

by Guest67216  |  earlier

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There is the obvious, "It's neccsessary in order to sustain human life." But other than that, What reasons are there? I think that it is completley selfish. Love dosn't bring children into the world, selfishness does. It is only the want that people have to want something to love them and need them. If people really loved their children, They would think about them before they came into the world. It is not a bad thing to Not exist.




  1. i actually like the way you think. many times i've said the same thing. i don't understand why anybody would want to bring another life into this h**l hole of a world.

  2. human nature

  3. I think people usually find someone that their hormones tell them that they are madly in love with, which then leads to s*x and the want to pro-create.  That, and i dont think people realize how hard is to be a parent until its too late.

  4. You would not be here!!!

    Why are you asking this in the pregnancy section? That makes no sense, get a d**n life.

    If you hate life so much go do something about it, and leave us mommies out of it!

  5. I have thought about this myself, if you think about a lot of things about life they don't make sense. I mean if you are going to ask that question you might as well ask why are we here at all?

    I read a thing scientists wrote that we have a natural urge to exist, and when we hit a certain age chemicals in our brains change (biological clock ticking) and we begin to "want" children on a basically primal level.

    I never really believed all that biological clock talk, but I can say that now I am 24 and I really want to have a baby. My reasons? I love my fiancee and I want to share the universal bond with other women. I want to hold my own little baby and think, I made this wonderful person. In my mind my feelings are about love, but I guess some could say they are selfish.

    Good luck and I hope you find the answer you are looking for.

  6. how is it selfish to want to be a parent I'm sure you wouldn't call your parents selfish.  kids are a great joy.

  7. You're really overthinking this.....

  8. This is a good question, why bring a human being into the world, when there is a lot of suffering? But think about this, what would happen when we reach  year 2100. the whole world is going to be overpopulated, and they are going to have to share the same natural resources that we have now, and sometimes the resources  that we have now are not sufficient for us, how are they going to live? There are going to be more contamination, global warming is going to increase, cities in coast lines and islands are going to disappear, I think that everybody is going to start killing each other until the population reaches the same amount that we have today worldwide. The government its going to have to make sterilization obligatory, so no more children are born. so eventually, what you are saying, is going to make sense. it is going to be better to not to exist at all.

  9. i hate how ppl in africa keep having s*x, and keep getting pregnant when they know their baby, their own child isnt going 2 live, isnt going 2 have a good life. they're little belly wont have food and wont be taken care of. and i do think that is pure selish-ness. its not rite 2 keep putting babys and children thru that. :'-(

  10. Go back to school.

  11. were you not hugged enough as a child?? im sorry that you have a horrible life. and you obviously need some help to sort out those issues.

    bringing a baby into to this world is a selfless act and if you cant see then then your WAY too immature to explain it to anyways..

    life is great, sure it can be hard sometimes, so why wouldnt you want to bring someone into the world and share it with them?..

    wait until your done being that rebelious, "i hate life" teenage stage and you'll understand

  12. Because Im excited to see thier beautiful face, to see thier first steps, the sound of their voice, I am excited to see them experience the world, Im excited to see them love and be loved, to grow, and to live.

    Selfishness does not bring people in to the world. Its alot of time, effort, and money to raise a child. It would be selfish NOT to give birth. Selfishness is to have s*x, and abort an accidental pregnancy. Selfishness is to give up your baby for adoption because you dont want to take care of them. (Assuming the s*x was mutual consent) Selfishness are the parents who abuse their children, abandon them.

    To give birth, and raise your child at the best of your ability IS love. You obviously have neve had kids, or else you would understand.

    Add: Starlight said it Perfectly

    'Giving your entire life to another human being that you created is probably the most selfless thing you can do.'

  13. Oh shut up! You sound very greedy and messed up.

  14. You need to call a suicide hot-line and get some help if you are really against life to that degree. Children are a blessing from God!!  

  15. Having a child is a subjective experience for all humans – but one unavoidable truth is that people fear death. Whether it's the woman or man that intends to have a child, some of what's in play is they're genetic urge to procreate. To make more of themselves. Oddly enough, behaviorally, people want to have a child so they can keep living forever through that child's genetics. “A piece of me will still be here when I'm gone!”  Others may have come from a large family. This would instill the conditional urge to also generate a large family because, “That just what you're supposed to do, Right?” The future of that child is an association that's rarely made until the baby has been born. Love? Hmmmm- 'Dopamine' receptors. Everything is chemistry.

  16. Wow..... not a parent, huh? If you were you'd see how incredibly stupid this way of thinking is. Wanting children is selfish? How so? My husband loves me and needs me so by your theory we really didn't need children. However we had a baby because we WANTED to, not because we needed someone to need us. It's actually the other way around. I need my baby. He brings me such happiness and joy. He's always there when I'm having a bad day and he makes me so extremely thankful for what I have.

    Maybe one day you'll grow up and realize that having children is by no means selfish. It's actually very selfless. You put your baby first for the rest of your life.

  17. It's a selfish thing to do?? Its more like a responsibilty for 18+ years, I don't see anything selfish about that. I hope you never have children.

  18. Hmmmm you are a sad's a shame you're parents didn't think more prior to making you exist!

  19. Please don't ever have children!

  20. I agree. Most of us exist because our parents didn't think of using a protection though. Most of us are not even meant to exist, but we do because that's life.

  21. Because they have unprotected s*x and they feel abortion is only murder made legal!  xox

  22. just read the answer to one of the previous questions you answered....which baby room do you like better

    lmao wow you're such a "baby hater" !

  23. No but existing can be something great. Children are a new chance, a fresh beginning, I'll agree with you that there are a lot of people who have kids for all the wrong reasons, but look at all the good that can come from a new life. Kids are little blessings and it is are responsibility to treat them like it. my parent's love me and I'm sure your's love you, it's easy to look at all the pain in the word but there is also joy.  If you are filling down read Psalm 139 in the bible. link below.

  24. they want to have kids to take care of and carry on the family name or inherit a family fortune or just the joy of having a child.  

  25. Blah blah blah.  This is not an original or unique point.  All it is, is insulting to everyone. Including your parents.  Why not go ask them why they had you?

    The point can also be made that people who choose to remain childless are selfish.  Giving your entire life to another human being that you created is probably the most selfless thing you can do.

  26. I think this is a stupid question! How am I selfish because I have a child? I would give my life for my daughter! She wasnt planned but I love her more than ANYTHING! She is my life now. I would do anything for her. I thought about my child befor I had her, I could have had an abortion but everything happens for a reason and if god wanted me to have a child now then he must have a plan for it. Now I have the most precious little 2 months old baby girl in the world! I wouldnt trade her for anything. She is going to have the best life I can give her and I am going to be the best mom I can! Ugh you just p**s me off ya know!?

  27. that's a good question. honestly alot of ppl bring kids into the world to carry their namesake or an accident. we are all here to change the paths our ancestors lead and make the world a better place. so far it isn't going as planed lol..we're all destroying the world

  28. It's not a bad thing to not exist?  How in h**l do you know that?

    Having a kid is good for the kid and good for the parents.  You improve yourself while you're training the little one.

    In most situations, it's a win-win.

    Sounds like you're having a bad time, dude.

  29. Actually having children is a total act of unselfishness they give us nothing but problems.  They require 24/7 care and dirty diapers, and falling, skinning knees and crying non stop.  But you have the joy of knowing you gave another person life, hopefully happiness.  

    Look what God puts up with to give humans life.  What if he would have said, "they are better off not existing"

    We wanted to have children to love, we never thought about them loving us.  But I guess we had hopes that they would.

    My grown son asked me one day, because he was single and I was always trying to find him a wife, saying that's a nice girl.

    He said what do you want me to do, to be or have or just what would make you feel good about being my mother?

    After thinking about it awhile I said, "I just want you to be happy."

    He said, "mom I am happy"  So I never tried to find him a girl again.

    He was not always a good boy, but I always loved him and still do.

    Maybe that's why we bring people into the world.

  30. Sounds like you need a hug or something because it sounds like you wish you didn't exist.  Am I correct in making this assumption based on your statement?

    People have children based on several different reasons.  I really don't think it's selfish to have a child as raising a baby is difficult work.  Waking every 2 hours to feed, changing 10 poopy diapers in one day, getting thrown up on.  Spending the money my husband and I earn at work on diapers, well baby visits, sick baby doctor visits, baby stuff.

  31. I guess you wish you weren't born. Some people actually enjoy their life and make the best of it everyday no matter what's going on in the world around them.

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