
Why do people call me wild when I respect my parents?

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When at home I respect my parents. Within reason I do what I'm told. I'm quite scared of my parents they are both strong and authoritative and have strict rules. Therefore I think to call me rebellious and wild is unfair because the definition of rebellious is rebelling against your parents which I have never done. What's got me the reputaion of being wild is my antics away from home at University. I have slept with 15 men in 9 months including two drug dealers . I have had s*x for gifts. I have stolen 350 pounds off a man by pretending I needed an abortion when infact I wasn't even pregnant. I have tried that trick many times but it doesn't always work. I get drunk every other night. I take cocaine and sometimes weed and hope to try ecstacy and I wear S****y clothes. Now although some of what I've done is probably a bit worse then most students do most of it would be included in the normal student lifestyle.So to call me wild is insane. I am a little bad away from home but as I've said I respect my parents and do not rebel infront of them so therefore I am respectful towards them. Do you agree? Surely rebelling is swearing at and kicking ur parents etc.




  1. I don't know about wild - it sounds way too glamourous for your sleazy antics - but I would say you sound stupid.  

  2. It sounds to me like you like being called that and you feel your behaviour at uni is perfectly acceptable. Personally i think you need to get a grip on reality. It's all well and good thinking you are seen as the 'wild' or 'good time girl' now, but ask your self honestly, would any of them 15 men marry you? Would those people who label you these things or laugh it off with you, be able to stand in front of your folks and respect them when they know what your folks don't.

    Just because you respect them to their face, doesn't mean it isn't disrespectful when you do it behind their backs, it just makes you less respectful and less respectable and shows what type of person you really are (not a good thing).

    Turn your life around and get some respect for yourself.

    If you want the honest truth, yes it is insane that they call you these things it should be slapper or s**t. No ofence but you did ask.

  3. You sound ok to me ???  I don't know what people are talking about ???

    Anyway, what sort of gifts do you like ?

  4. Im sure that its not your parents youre disrespecting, just yourself.

    You are going down a very slippery path in life and if you dont cop on a bit and wise up its not going to have a happy ending.

    I had quite a strict upbringing, and even now, at 31 I still respect my parents wishes - I most certainly dont live by their rules, but I also wouldnt go out of my way to disrespect their wishes as it only makes you look the weak person, not them

  5. I dont think you respect your parents. If you did you woudnt be doing all this nonsense.Just imagine how hurt they would be if they come to no of your weird adventures.It would break them.i dont think thats like respecting parents

  6. rebelling is just rebelling your life generally

    You aren't treating yourself the respect

  7. Nice one, put me on list for your funeral, I like a good laugh,

    PS: go get checked for STD's you've been pumped as they say and then some..SAD not WILD OR Child not Wild...

  8. How can you say you aren't rebelling? Clearly you are acting up when you are away from your parents to rebel against their strict rules and the restrictions they put on you. I wouldn't consider most of this to be 'the normal student lifestyle'. Of course students drink and have s*x but you sound way out of control - you need to sort your head out.

  9. .....and you make up stories, too!

  10. because u act wild when ur not around ur parents

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