
Why do people call movies 'shows'?

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I hate it when people call them that.

There's a difference between them!

Lol. [ :

What do you call movies?




  1. It's an older term.

    Bit like calling a radio a wireless...

  2. I think they used to be called Moving Picture Shows (before there was sound), which got shortened to movies on the one hand and shows on the other.

  3. In Chicago, where I come from, a lot of people say that they're going to the show to see a movie!  I say that I'm going to the theater to see a movie (or maybe, once in a great while, I accidentally say "film").

  4. Yeah, that's not exactly right. On a side note, I know somebody who calls soaps and sitcoms "movies" ;)

  5. movies

  6. Do you mean people over or under 50?  I tend to find only people over 50 call them shows.  We actually call them videos as we don't see anything until it's on DVD.

  7. I don't know really. I dont like it when people call them shows. It makes it sound like tv and it's just not!

  8. um i don't  

  9. They just say it differently I think its mostly older people though I call them movies yea it bugs me to but then again I call all soda cokes so...

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