
Why do people call other people 'pimp' to make fun of them? When they know it is not funny?

by  |  earlier

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I am asking this question because someone in my school said "Lets give Daphne a pimp."




  1. they probably are sociopathic narcissisistic , low self esteemed , weaklings inside that think its funny

  2. don't know

  3. Since they were not calling Daphne a pimp, who were they calling a pimp?

    Or just perhaps they were using pimp as a verb, as in 'pimp my ride'.

    If I'm pushing 40 and understand the modern vernacular, I don't see why you - being in school and directly exposed to it - shouldn't.

  4. People think of s*x too much. I think they think its cool. Pimping, to me is the same as cheating. Its wrong and its something that should be stopped. Women should be treated with more respect than the society gives them. Ive learned a lot by just sitting around and listening and watching how men treat women. Every woman ive dated has said, youre nothing like the men ive dated in the past. They treat me like a w***e. I guess thats because men think of women in the wrong way. So I guess ignore the stupidity. If they say something to you like that, ignore them. They just wanna look cool to their friends. Its all about peer pressure and being cool. Their losers. Take care of yourself, and dont let guys push you around or walk over you. If you need a friend to talk too, email me.

  5. it is funny!

  6. Ignorance. Pimps are slave traders, nothing more, and this current fashion to glamorize their clothes and lifestyle is disgusting. The more you read about modern day slavery/human trafficking, which is a huge problem all over the world, the more the happy-go-lucky use of the word "pimp" will make you cringe.

  7. People are stupid

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