
Why do people care if global warming theories are correct?

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Carbon monoxide is a waste product for humans, therefore highly detrimental-that's very basic and obvious (think suffocation). And studies conclusively show the chemicals and radiation we're producing kill people through lymphoma and thats just the few we've studied. It has also been proven that pollution particles are having a luminosity effect on clouds making night and day temperatures more extreme and decreasing the sunlight that reaches our crops.

These concerns alone should be enough to warrant intelligent changes to be made; whether or not global warming is irrelevant.

So who cares!? blahblahblah!




  1. So, now it is not enough sun reaching plants....

    Remember when bubble gum was bad for your teeth... Now it is good...

    Aspirin was the worst thing you could take and was killing you, now it is the best thing for you and even helps your heart.

    Now, CO2 is bad but ALL LIVING THINGS are CARBON BASED...  So, you want to kill every living thing on Earth?  Or just the plants that feed off of CO2?

    I just don't get the shallow thinking here.

  2. The reason it matters is that the drastic measures proposed to combat the allegeded imminent peril, will cripple the economy and set us back to the dark ages. But in some respects you are correct. Global warming is focused on Carbon-dioxide not carbon-monoxide, but energy efficiency and pollution reduction, are good things to do. They can even end up saving us money and helping the economy if implemnted in a responsible, non-panic driven way. But the irresponsible alarmism based on half baked science that would shut down all industry on the planet is not realistic. Instead of punishing industry for making modern life possible, some of these people could come up with cleaner, more efficient alternatives, and offer positive incentives to implement them. Its just like driving my car. It would be great if it didn't burn gasoline, but there are no other alternative at the local gas stations. So changing it means not only changing the cars, but changing the fuel service infrastructure. And in the mean time people can't stop driving. All these calls for stopping pollution carry a price in real money if they are not phased out with cleaner alternatives. So it matters a lot if this is really as dire an emergency as they say it is.

  3. U r right. there is no harm in being preventive rather than taking curative action.

  4. seriously you can get mega tied in with this subject and it can last for years.... you seem to know a bit about it... i dont really know the facts but whether were doomed in 50-100-1000 years or not? coz people are thinkin of their kids and their kids kids etc.... coz their life wont be too good, or even liveable with "apparantly", no animals, no trees and yeah all that other stuff lol.... but i see your point we live in the now so make it worth it... its just all over the world as the leaders have the responsibility to save the world i guess.... thats why their leaders. hope i helped. doubt it but yeah thats my opinion.

  5. You sure are gullible. Read a little on the subject and then use a little common sense.

  6. Let's say that the global warming crisis is a myth, does it matter if we really do reduce fuel usage and plant more trees? Driving more efficient cars and developing renewable energy are good things no matter why you do them. We should all be trying to live more efficiently just to lower our individual expenses. I'd like to see this entire debate reframed as a discussion about cost. Clear cutting an entire forrest is a huge waste of wood. The small trees are discarded as waste and the energy put into growing them is wasted. Pick mature trees and leave the younger ones to mature. I'll use a more crude example. In modern wars we use small smart bombs guided to within an inch of the target and dropped by a single plane that destroy only one spot. The bombs are very expensive but not when compared to the cost of a fleet of planes dropping hundreds of huge bombs to hit the exact same target but wiping out an entire city as we did 60 yrs ago in WW2. We can use our resources in much the same fashion. By working for efficiency at all levels we will reduce waste and create a more prosperous world. It really won't matter that it also helps the environment but thats great too.

  7. that's how I feel, it's happening, that's a fact, but I'm not going to argue on why the climate is changing. I don't get the people who say it's totally not true that humans cause it. i think it is a natural process and we are making it worst.

  8. Because we live in a symbiotic environment.

  9. It would, if wasn't just a gross exaggeration.

  10. Do not confuse carbon monoxide, that is a pollutant and  a toxin, with carbon dioxide, which is essential to life on earth (it is plant food).

    It costs a lot of money to reduce co2 emissions.  So if the theory is wrong, we will be wasting a lot of money.  That is why I care.

  11. You make a very valid point! the problem is that we've become SO addicted to our automobiles that any changes suggested our introduced might be met with great hesitation and resistance..

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