
Why do people care so much about seeing mixed couples?

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black white yellow green you know what i mean? why do they care mixed babies are cute any baby is cute...




  1. Nobody really cares.

  2. Don't quite understand what you are, why people throw such a big deal? I don't know, I'm with you on all babies are cute.

    I guess it's just when babies are mixed I guess they sometimes take on the best traits of their parents. Such as european people are typically known to have larger noses and hairier, and asian people are typically pretty hairless and have small delicate noses. You get these two people together and they may make a child with smooth hairless skin, a cute button nose and big almond shaped eyes with curly hair. Although a lot of time the one parent's genes more dominate than the other's and the child looks like more like one parent. There needs to be recessive genes to get some really unique, beautiful looking people.

    Sometimes when people have completely different looks, they make some of the prettiest looking people.  

  3. It's just something for them to gossip about in the hope of filling their sad, lonely lives.

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