
Why do people claim to care about global warming but then refuse to give up air or car travel?

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political correctness is great I'm sure, but surely these people understand that this makes them appear to be hypocritical, pathetic, fakes?




  1. I agree. It is hypocrisy.

    There are a lot of benefits with car and plane travel and the successive UK governments do not take public transport seriously enough. Dutch and German public transport are far cheaper, faster, more reliable and offer a great deal of comfort and luxury. Until this issue is addressed people will always use the poor transport argument as a tool to win their arguments.

    What a miserable argument it is though! "Oh we couldn't save the planet because the trains weren't good enough, sorry".

  2. Where is your reality?

    Do you really think we should stop working because we cannot get to our place of employment?

    Should I really not be allowed to see my mother who lives 3000 miles away?

    Should we abandon civilisation for the sake of green issues?

    Do you also want to ban fire engines, ambulances, police cars, delivery vehicles, rescue helicopters etc?

    Come on get real!!!

    The answer as thinking people know is to look to improvements in vehicle and aircraft technology and not going back to the dark ages!!!!!

  3. Because we enjoy causing pretentious jerks like you to have aneurysms?

    I care about global warming.  I'm adding solar to my home.  I have and use my car to get to and from work.

    Do you have a car?  I'll bet you do.  I'll also bet that you have a higher average mileage per year than I do.

    1997 Honda Civic DX with 52890 miles as of 4 hours ago.  That's an average of 4808 miles per year.

    But, according to you (and other pretentious jerks like you), because I use my car AT ALL, I don't give a c**p about the environment.

    I'm sorry I'm not as good as you.

  4. I guess in some cases it can't be helped - I have to travel from site to site and occasionally go down to London for meetings and training etc. so car and air travel is unavoidable for me.

    My job - an environmental advisor.  Go figure.

    EDIT: Erm actually yes I have heard of the train, but my company books the d**n thing so it's down to their admin department

  5. because there fat f***s who cant be bothered to walk everywhere, please give me top answer as i was first to answer ;)

  6. it's not a matter of refusing to give it up, public transport on the whole is a joke! it doesn't take you where you want/need to go when you need go, unless you don't have a job and have all the time in the world to get where you're going that is! it's also not as cost effective as private transport (generally, there are the exceptions) also air travel is essential for those of us who like to see other parts of the world other than the small corner that we were born in.

    you do realise that "global warming" is caused by more than cars and planes don't you? if you really want to rant at someone why not start with governments and big businesses globally? also the oil companies are making way too much money from the sales of petrol and diesel to look into cleaner energy. while you're at it, why not stop third worlds developing and the likes of china taking to the roads?

    i wish you luck in your quest

  7. Some of us live in the country and need a car, and I'm not giving up my holidays a year. We have no children so our carbon foot print is smaller than those with children

  8. Many of us care but I just don;t think I could walk to gran canaria! or Thailand. And although you mention boat travel. Think of the cost and time it would take to get there!!!

  9. we live in a modern world, were we need those things

    but everyone needs it survive,

    for food, clothes, work, holidays , e.t.c

    we all are all selfish, hyprocitits, in this modern world.

    we live in the 21st century for goodness sake.

  10. You say "ever heard of the train"?

    I used to take the train to work, but after months of cancelled services, price fluctuations, 40 minutes on the train followed by a 20 minute bus journey (also subject to delays and missed connections), I said "stuff it, I'm taking the car"

    The problem isn't always with the drivers, but with the lack of a realistic alternative. If we had regular, clean, safe, reasonably priced public transport, a LOT of people would use it.

    So stop bleating at the drivers and start on the government instead

  11. Because comfort is more important than the environment for some.

  12. Hey there, do we have a choice? We live in a system that requires energy. I m one such person who is concerned about global warming yet I am bogged down by the need to travel for business purpose. We, as individuals, do not have much of a choice, do we?

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