
Why do people come in here every week...?

by Guest56352  |  earlier

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and ask us if they are good enough, fast enough, strong enough to play football? Why dont they ask their local coaches? LOL




  1. I felt like answering a question lol.

    Maybe they're just asking to see what you think. When you see them in the NFL or CFL then you'll be saying, YES, they ARE good enough, fast enough, and strong enough.

  2. no kidding they are all stupid.

  3. It's the way it is.  Most people lack confidence or seek second opinions.  Some are searching for anyone to justify how they think or feel.  At least the questions aren't mean, dumb or hurtful.

  4. So what? Lots of people have dreams of playing pro sports, and the CFL is realistically accessible to a superior Canadian athlete.People need a forum to express themselves and their questions about their hopes and dreams.Yahoo answers provides that. Nothing wrong with that.

  5. why dont they just suck it up put the pads on and find out

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