
Why do people commit gun crimes?

by Guest56915  |  earlier

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I am wondering for a speech topic




  1. If you're going to write a speech, then you'll probably want to pad it outr with all sorts of irrelevant stuff like what kind of crimes you were talking about (possession, sale, use, threatening display, what kinds of guns, etc).  

    Personally, I'm doing it because guns are way sexier than cars.  Let's say that the world is populated by two men, one with an HK MP5, and another guy with a Lexus.  When they meet, somebody's going to be walking home unarmed.  How do you think that was resolved - with the Lexus owner dazzling the gun owner into submission with his bling?  Remember, all that stuff you heard about guns not solving any problems is a load of c**p - the bilious wimps who push that stuff on National Public Radio never lost $7.50 watching the original "Starship Troopers".

  2. Because they want to kill someone, want money, or there life is in possible danger while they are committing the crime, so they need protection in the form of a gun to protect themselves from others with guns.

  3. Because guns are so easily available in the US.  

    In other countries, they tend to use knives.

  4. It's easier than sword crime or crossbow crime. Technology makes crime easier, fortunately, it makes self defense easier too. As long as you don't live in a police state like D.C. where it is illegal to defend yourself.

  5. I am kind of guessing at what approach you are taking so I'll go with he practical side of things.

    It is much easier, cleaner, safer , and more likely fatal to use a firearm to kill someone or , since most people recognize a firearm when they see one, will realize they are likely to be killed and give up the goods.

    Others addressed technology changes and it really does come down to that.Like comparing using a cell phone that is on your person to walking home and calling on the old fashioned rotary dial phone.

    The convenience and performance of the firearm make it the best tool for the job.

    Since the car became readily available, there aren't too many people riding horses.

  6. Crimes are Crimes, it's been going on since the beginning of time the only thing that has changed over the centuries are the tools.

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