
Why do people complain about high gas prices, when global warming is upon them?

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Conservative mainstream science is showing us that climate change could make life far more difficult than paying a little more for fuel ever would.

Why don't people think about and comprehend the consequences of their carbon emissions, eg. prolonged droughts, regular flooding, the threat of the severe demise of the human civilization as we know it, rather than complain about why they can't pollute and emit carbon more cheaply than they already can?

On top of all this, they revile and question the sanity of those who call them on this and tell them they're "paranoid", "irrational" or talking about things along the lines of "conspiracies", etc.




  1. Because you are a hippie. And hippies suck

  2. Global warming is truly only a theory. Some people believe it isn't even a threat. Sure the ice caps will get warmer and melt, but if that was the case it would snow at both poles, accounting for the extra water. On top of that, you can't prove that anything we're doing is the cause of global warming. You don't know if it's the natural life cycle of a planet. What you should be worried about is the fact that we're loosing our moon. The moon is slowly getting further away. It's what helps keep earth on the angle it's at, and causes tides. Without those tides, many coastal cities will be flooded.

  3. Global warming isn't happening, that's why. Thirty odd years ago the scare was global cooling and the next ice age. The climate fluctuates. It hasnt even gotten much warmer!

    Peoplecomplain about gas prices because gas effects their lives. That conspiracy does not.

  4. That's because high gas prices affect the working poor. You will be fine if you are on Wall Street. Because the Sheiks in Saudi Arabia recycle almost every dollar countries pay them for oil to Wall Street. In other words, it's a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. It's called the dollar hegemony.

  5. because people's priorities are severely mixed up. They don't care that there will be no planet left for their children to live on. They only care that they can look cool driving their Hummers to Walmart.

  6. Because gas prices are high now. global warming will effect our future. People are too spoiled. They would rather drive and destroy our future and planet than walk or ride a bike. people are spoiled and lazy. Just food for thought.

  7. People are in denial about global warming. It ain't nothing to deny, just look at what is happening with the odd weather patterns and melting ice. My grandpa went to Alaska in 1983 and looked at the Ice burgs, then he when in 2003 and they are not there any more. People just don't understand that we are not in our own little bubble and that we all live together on this planet. We will run out of oil, it is a given. I cant believe it hasn't happened already. Allot of the knowledge you are speaking of is out there but you have to go find it because it is being covered up by conglomerate companies and the government. Last year GM sold a revolutionary battery that is equivalent to 200mpg, Guess who bought it, yup, Chevron for some odd billions of dollars. Being strong on this topic out of my character, being a muscle car enthusiast and a SUV driver, but I just know that I am an idiot for driving it and I don't complain cause like you said in the future, at the rate we are going we will have much bigger fish to fry. I totally agree with you.

  8. Because CMpunk is an ignorant redneck conservative. And Bill O'Reilly sucks.

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