
Why do people complain all of the time? Are they ever grateful?

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Is it in peoples nature to nag and complaine all of te time?




  1. I think it is human nature to always want more - it is this drive that propelled us to the top of the food chain in the first place.  

    That's the problem with most Utopian propositions - when everyone is happy and content, then nothing changes and we have a static society - would you still be human if you could be content in a world where nothing ever changes?

    That said, people are grateful and do express it.  But it is as Douglas Adams said - we don't notice what works, we notice what doesn't.  Or in other words, we don't notice the people who AREN'T nagging and complaining.

    Hope that helps!

  2. You've asked a couple of different questions here.

    I'll start with the nagging- usually parental, sometimes spousal but it comes from the same area, that "they" do not think you're going to do what you've said you will or you've had a past history of not taking responsibility and keeping your word about what you say you're going to do. So to protect themselves , they nag and complain.

    Sometimes they have unrealistic expectations, but not always.  If you don't want people to nag and complain to you , then do what you say you're going to do right away, don't put it off and take responsibility for your actions when you don't.

    The other question about aren't people ever grateful, nost of the time no. Society tends to make fun of people who espouse the grattitude attitude. It's become all about me , my, mine instantaneously and forget you. In the last 25-30 years an attitude of entitlement has developed, some blame racial and disabled people saying that they think" they're entitled".  Most of these groups aren't looking for entitlement but basic dignity which we, as a society, don't always give to people.

    Then there are alot of young people who think they are the universe and that they are entitled and they don't have to conform or play by the rules because they're 'special'. So they're not grateful they just want more , more , more.

    Who do we blame, parents and grandparents? Our consumer society? " Compassionate " conservatives? Over zealous Liberals? Lack of religion? Too much religion that's disaffected people.

    Probably all of the above.

    Gratitude I've found involves humility, which many of us in the world no longer possess, a life changing experience and parents or guardians and teachers starting from the get go to teach thankfulness and grattitude and empathy. It's less of the winner is no. 1 and takes all  and more of the realization that everyone has participated to the best of their abilities and that we can share in the abundance we've all been given.

    It's the basic please and thank you for gifts or even the meals you eat, not just to God , but whomever prepares them for you.

    I thanked both God and my mum every day of my life for the meals she prepared because I knew it took alot of effort on her part to do that .

    So I hope I've explained to why people complain , nag and aren't grateful anymore to you in a manner you can understand.

    And thanks for posing such a great question.

  3. those who complain a lot about everything are the people who are negativistic of many things. they are so lazy to even try to prove their worth. i am really sad for them. they will go  nowhere and will barely succeed in life.

  4. some people are not happy unless they are complaining,and are rarely gratefull,they are just miserable. they don,t see the good in people or life around them.

  5. People complain because they are not grateful, and because they are not grateful they are not happy, and thus because they are not happy they complain.  People need to realize that it is not happiness that makes us grateful but it is gratefulness that makes us happy.

  6. well yeah. people are quite difficult to please - because we all have different perceptions on how to properly maximize utility. in economics we always say that we have unlimited wants and limited resources - thus we are always confronted by the same dilemma of choice - on how to properly allocate scarce resources.

    people whine and complain - because that perhaps is there excuse on facing the truth. honestly, people who complain all the time are just using pathetic excuses and keeps on blaiming everyone else (the government, the weather etc).

    whining and complaining is a defensive mechanism of any human being.

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