
Why do people complain so much about their taxes??

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Why do people complain so much about their taxes??

Seriously when I see the money taken out of my taxes, yes I wish I had it but I dont sit there and whine...why does it go here, why does it go there. whah whah...

Oh but people are so happy to have freeways and roads to drive on , a military to protect them, and schools for their children to attend right? So why the h**l do they complain so much. I never once complained about where my taxes go. I know where they go and I have no problem with that.

I figure if they dont like their paycheck after taxes, then why dont they either get a better paying job or just shut up. They can go drive their car on a dirt road or mud field if they dont appreciate the freeways they paid for. I mean what would they rather live in another country where the gov robs their money? Or take half or more instead? If they dont like it here they can move somewhere else and find the grass isn't greener on the other side.




  1. Let's see... I pay over 50% combined federal, state (CA), social security and medicare (including self-employment portion) of my personal income.

    What do I get in return:

    1. My childeren go to a private school because the public ghetto schools are unuseable, unsafe, with quality of teaching the same as in Uganda. IMO, the children in these institutions should be receiving a credit towards future prison time.

    2. The government had involved the country in a necessary, damaging and expensive adventure in Iraq that has nothing to do with protecting it.

    3. The money that goes to infrastructure like freeways is a tiny percentage of the taxes collected. The infrastructure is inadequate in most parts of the country (just look at Katrina). Most of the money is wasted on useless projects just to make profit to politically connected contractors.

    I have no problem paying taxes, except I DO NOT GET ANYTHING IN RETURN. This is like sending money into a giant black hole.

  2. Taxes suck by definition

    Anyway you are right on..but here is the rub.  We pay taxes and you see your W2..what you made, and what you paid..and it's a lot.

    Then you see that we spend 4 million on smile research, 30 billion on new spoons for the White House, Full pensions+free health care for reps when most people don't have that, etc etc etc etc etc.

    And that road I drive on, well due to all the potholes that are not fixed I now need to pay for new tires, suspension, etc to fix my car so I can go to work to make the money to pay the taxes so that the road can stay like that for another 2 years

    And that school...well it seems my federal tax dollars will only go there if they refuse to teach anything except abstinance only s*x ed, will only go there if we think about letting religion in as science, will use my money to buy rubbers and pills for all the kids, pay for all the psychologists and kiddie drugs that we pump into kids because we don't want to raise them but just make them be quiet.

    Oh and let's not forget my favorite.  MY tax money goes to bail out MCI and Enron and make sure those CEOs and officers have mansions still while we all lose our s***s.  Let's make sure the airlines are protected while we let jobs leave the country without new ones coming in so everyone is losing money.

    So while I agree with you, there are many things the govt does with OUR money that it shouldn't.  If you gave a LARGE portion of your money to someone to run the house you live in, and they did so making huge errors, giving themselves a very nice lifdestyle and making sure that the house money benefits the rich guy 1st and might get a little P.O'd and have a right to.  I mean it is my money, I have every right to complain if I think it is being spent in a retarded way.

    example is the Massachusettes Big Dig.  It was well known by time was done would be obsolete and inefficient but they are spending billions upon billions of my money on it anyway and have made so many mistakes that were well known to be mistakes BEFORE the mistakes were acted out!..but done anyway because what do they care..they have endless supply of cash named john "suckersville" q taxpayer.

    then telling me I will not have Social Security when i am older.

    Gee why do I get mad?

  3. well why does it bother you that they complain?

  4. Primarily because government is so inefficeint its scary.  Take for example social security.  You pay only 7.5%ish but your employer also pays that same sum for you so its 15%.  Even if you only make $20k a year that is $3,000 a year the government takes and the chances are you might get something back in your 70's is pathetic.  Put that into an IRA account and you are a millionare before 60.  People who are angry about taxes get that - people who are not angry about that don't.

  5. Taxation in our present form goes far outside the connections you describe, as well as its intended focus - the protection of individual persons and their property – the “law”.  

    The government under the premise of social justice has made taxation a form of none other than legal plunder - stealing from one to give to another.  This is where we are today - legal plunder, the endless plundering of those who produce and the redistribution of that wealth to those who don't.  Simply put, some individuals prosper at the expense of others and in the end the producers and their ability to create wealth has begun to erode.  Ultimately, along with the erosion of wealth, goes the erosion of free market.  Who will be left to tax, when everybody is on the take?  What’s left is a pure redistributed state, IE: communism.

    The "law" has been so grossly perverted that what we have today is a slow transfer from what our founding fathers intended; the governments legitimate function of protecting persons and property, to what we have now the brutish forced transfer of income (from the worker to the non worker) This has been achieved through the utilization of legal plunder, IE: heavy taxes.   More and more the people are on the take (not being taxed themselves) and are demanding their so called artificial rights (government subsidies and welfare).  They choose artificial rights instead of their unalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (justice).  

    Government through the use of taxation, redistributes the wealth of one group (destroys their natural rights - property rights, their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and gives it away to plunder!

    How much are you willing to have taken away, beyond the protection of your life and property (police, fire, Armed Forces) and the promotion of interstate commerce - roads and bridges?

    How about it all....let the government decide who gets what, when and how....COMMUNISM...NO THANKS!  I choose Freedom and Justice for All!

  6. Taxes are OK if they provide for communal services we can all benefit from but would not otherwise be able to afford individually.We also want to know that the people who have taken it are spending as sensibly as you would or  they would if it were their own cash.

    The only (moral)  justification for taxes and the only basis on which people wil pay them if is there is a discernible social benefit.

    So people "whine" about taxes because they do not see the benefits they were promised when they  democratically consented to handing their cash  over.

  7. Because most people have never read the Constitution, don't know who their local Member of Congress is or know the first thing of how our economy works. The tax code enacted by the Congress is so complex that people well-grounded in accounting practices are driven to drink. You say you know where your taxes go. You really don't. All personal income tax collected from states west of the Rockies goes to one purpose: payment on the national debt. I live in Nevada. Under that "targeting" of my tax contribution I haven't paid for any of the things you mentioned.

    Less than 25% of the Federal budget goes to pay for what is called discretionary spending. The bulk of that money is locked up and set in concrete for entitlement programs, many of which date back to the Great Depression and have never been eliminated despite the economic gains made since then. Even though the Rural Electrification Administration has completed its depression-era job of getting electric power to every farm and village, they are still in business. But, now they pay for computers and satellite TV dishes.

    As for getting a better job if one doesn't like taxes, try this one for size. I spent 25 years in one of those military services you laud in your question. And now I'm drawing my Social Security retirement which I paid into beginning at age 11. But, my military retirement is considered to be outside income when it comes determining the taxability of my Social Security check. So, 85% of my Social Security check is considered to be taxable income. And pardon me if I don't think that is a way of rewarding someone who did serve that long for this nation. The real twist comes from that combined income. It is high enough that I cannot receive medical treatment from the VA because I have no service-connected conditions. So I am called Category Eight and barred by law from medical care at the VA.

  8. You obviously don't understand income taxes.

    Our income taxes don't go for roads, military, schools or any of that stuff.

    Roads are paid for by gasoline taxes.  Schools are paid for by property taxes.

    "100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government." -Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan - January 15, 1984

    Ronald Reagan was promptly shot after he dared to criticize the Fed, on the same day that the Pope was shot. After recovering, he changed his mind and praised the Fed. About seven US Presidents have been assassinated for not cooperating with the Transatlantic Banking Dynasties (William Henry Harrison, poisoned, in 1841, Zachary Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and John F. Kennedy 1963; 7 if FDR's poisoning is counted).

    Most of us feel sick when we realize that Not one dime of IRS money goes to the US Gov't, according to Reagan's Grace Commission: it all goes to pay interest on a bogus debt to the Private Federal Reserve (FED), just to allow paper money to circulate as "Federal Reserve Notes". The Federal Reserve is a private Corporation eventually owned by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds Dynasties through intermediary agents, designed to suck the capital dry from the U.S., as the Rothschilds do in Europe. Read Billions for the <>  Bankers, Debts for the People More Links at on Jekyll Island <>>  .

    The final report of the 1984 Grace Commission, convened under President Ronald Reagan, quietly admitted that none of the funds they collect from federal income taxes goes to pay for any federal government services. The Grace commission found that those funds were being used to pay for interest on the federal debt, and income transfer payments to beneficiaries of entitlement programs like federal pension plans.

    More here...

  9. OK so your young and don't know the facts!  I wouldn't be proud of that.

    The government taxes and spends it like water,  Government also wastes billions of dollars on pork projects,  ( I could go on and on) also pays for the lazy to have health care - roof over their heads - that big plasma TV on the wall - that new car in the driveway - all payed for by us from taxes.  

    Thus the reason why sane people complain about taxes.

  10. Rich people control the airwaves.. Oreilly has been whining about Obama wanting to raise his taxes all week.. For some reason, all the poor saps that will get a bigger cut from Obama, are eating up Oreilly and comp's words.. "It just isn't fair!!".. It might technically not be fair, but it's what works best for the economy.. Plain and simple.. If they choose to move.. Peace.. Nobody will miss them...

  11. I complain about my taxes because 100 years ago they didnt even exist.  The founding fathers of the United States never intended for the federal government to have this much power, and certainly not this much money.  Why?  Because they didn't want a huge intrusive government ruling over them.  That is what they were fleeing from in the first place.  Now, there is no place left to flee.  No matter where you go now, you have a nanny state taking your money and forcing you into their programs.

  12. Taxes are good for some of the things you listed, but on the other hand it also goes to take care of lazy people who live on welfare, illegals, prisons where we house people who have committed crimes that don't deserve anything etc....

    That's why we complain!!

    The working class people gets stuck with the bill!!

  13. Such anger on a Friday afternoon.

  14. Because for some people it is a struggle to meet ends meet.

    Some, they like to see improvements, but won't want to contribute money.

    This is the worst time in the Job Market, I can't believe you're saying half of the things you said.

    I'm just done answering. THATS IT.

    AMERICAS ****** LMAO

  15. I would gladly pay 90% of my income in taxes if:

    1. The guy who makes a million dollars a year paid 90% of his income in taxes;

    2. The government wouldn't squander hundreds of billions on fraudulent expenses; immoral 'wars'; far too excessive Congressional salaries and benefits;

    3. All the taxes collected were used for the benefit of all American citizens instead of privileged corporate welfare programs and projects that benefit the 'special interests' and wealthy elitists;

    4. Taxes were spent on helping those in this country who are disabled, elderly, sick, underprivileged, mentally ill, disadvantaged, unemployed, hungry or homeless;

    5. A full, thorough accounting was published of where all that tax money went.  -RKO-   06/27/08

  16. I'm not upset about being taxed and I understand what you are saying.  The problem comes in with wasteful spending.  And, do we really need to spend billions of tax dollars on illegal immigrants?  And why are we spending so much on welfare and other social programs because people are lazy and refuse to help themselves?

  17. I hear you, Aljea.  I don't think too much about the taxes they take from my pay because I get enough left over to live, not high on the hog either, but I can't control the reality of taxes.  I mean sure I can go vote but truthfully I think there's little diff. between Democrats & Republicans.  Pres. Bush has spent us into the worst debt ever so please don't tell me they are more fiscally conservative.  I pull the the blue lever because they tend to stomp on civil liberties a little less (remember, Patriot Act) and tend to throw a few more bones off the table to the social services that actually help people.  See I figure it this way.  I'd much rather my taxes go to *even* welfare cheat mamas than a war that kills people and maims our soldiers and for what?!  I just don't believe in the good intentions of the elite who really control.  These are hard times, getting harder & I understand the folks who rail against taxes but really let's start by getting rich people paying their fair share.  They can hide & shelter a lot of their wealth & have more of it to contribute to the common weal.


  18. What gets me is that people complain about taxes and then turn their head to pork barrel spending.  I am just blown away with people that complain and then saying nothing about how our government has pissed away our money in Iraq!!!!!!!

    Next time you hear somebody complain about taxes and such, ask them what is their take on Iraq and or pork barrel spending. If they dont reply tell them to shut the h**l up about their taxes!!!!!!

  19. I don't mind paying taxes.  I do mind giving money to freeloaders who do nothing but exploit the system for every free handout they can get.  I do mind seeing my money wasted by a bunch of power hungry lawyers who call themselves politicians.  The amount of taxpayer money that is either flat out wasted, spent on frivolous pork projects, or handed out to freeloaders is unbelievable.

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