
Why do people confess things online using sites like

by Guest62632  |  earlier

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I dont really get it...I mean is it because they have no one to talk to or because they get an idea of what the public thinks of their mistakes?

I find it interesting but I dont think I would confess there




  1. I looked and most of it was not confessions at all.

    It looks silly and boring to me.

    Maybe they are so bored that they will do almost anything to occupy their time.

  2. The anonymity

  3. It's like confessing at a Catholic Church, you get your guilt off of your chest and let it out without hurting anyone's feelings.

  4. its easier to confess things to people that you cant see and will never ever meet. rather than let things out to people they know and look foolish or venerable. and some people are so narcissistic that they really do believe that people give a d**n what they think should be going on in the world and why a certain movie was c**p

  5. Sort of like confession in the Catholic church. It's an outlet to release stored up guilt. And since fewer people attend church these days, they need a "confession outlet". Everyone wants to "come clean" at some point don't they?

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