
Why do people confuse intelligence with wisdom?

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I keep hearing about the teen age college population supporting obama and I know that they know some facts, but unfortunately, facts doesn't equal wisdom and wise choices.




  1. Why is your opinion better then the teen age college educated person? Do you think because you are older, you are wise?

    Facts are important roads to the truth.  

  2. I (member of which you speak) agree completely. I'm a democrat who thinks Obama lacks the necessary experience to become President. However, I think my generation is being brain-washed by a motivational-speaker-wannbe-president. He's new, different, and gives hope without actual substance, therefore people go along without asking questions.

  3. Wisdom is what? Part intelligence, part experience. Wisdom is not fortune telling and only intelligent conclusions from the facts will support a decision in politics.

  4. Young people admire someone with the balls to attempt change - they have no faith with the status quo.  If you are comparing the wisdom and wise choices of Obama and McCain, be more specific.  McCain may be old, but that doesn't mean he has wisdom - and he definitely has not made wise choices (unless you count politically motivated 'smart' choices for his own gain).

  5. Knowledge is the key, McCain's knowledge occupies the upper 1% and some horrible years being tortured. Obama has truly came up from the bottom and became apart of the upper 10%. I really don't know why the majority of people try to identify with people who have lived privileged lives.  It's befuddles me as much as suburban kids try to relate to gangsters and millionaire rappers (black, brown or white kids). Have you looked at McCain's voting record? He votes against anything that may help the public, except the stimulus package, which helped China's economy more than ours. So I guess that hurt us also, because we have to pay them back the billions upon billions. Now the is not wisdom or intelligence. Huey on boondocks said it best " matter what happens to us (lower classes) they're still rich."

  6. What makes you think these people know facts? Most are just an echo chamber for the left But facts don't think so

    I would like to ans the 1st post YES you bet your skate board YES

    Wisdom is the proper application of knowledge ie Most know that children come from having s*x but many can't believe they are with child But after seeing most of the males in that group I can understand why they feel that way

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