
Why do people consider swearing to be "disgusting" or "painful to their ears"?

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Honestly, they're just words.




  1. people get offended on all sorts of levels.  verbals and nonverbals alike.

    they're sissy-asses!!  LOL

  2. Because it is just rude to some people. What if you have a daughter and you overheard her boyfriend talking to his friend...

    "Mayne... Last night I was f*****g that h*e....mayne.... yea mayne.... that b****h...."

    Would you like that? It's just words just like you said.

    Or maybe this situation

    You just walking down the street and you accidently bump into someone and they yell "Watch where the f**k you going!"  

  3. It is just low-class. People generally don't want to be seen as low class and so they wish to avoid having people behave that way around them. When you are a teenager it is different, normal even. When you become an adult saying **** this is crass and makes you look foolish, like you were too stupid to think of something more clever. You put yourself at a disadvantage when you swear.

  4. Because some people were raised up in a time where decency was more than a word. Also lots of younger people don't realize how stupid they sound when they curse every 3rd letter just because they're parents aren't around. It lets everyone know how young you are and older peopleget general disgusted/wince because they know you're immature now. They're avoiding telling you to shut-up, and tryin not to scream at you a stranger. Nothings technically wrong with the words, but it's unnecessary with there are thousands of words to express what you're feeling.  

  5. It is true that profanity may  just  be words.However ,words are the tools for effective communication. You wouldn't use pliers  to hammer a nail. You will find that as you get older that people will take you seriously if you use certain words, you will get more respect and probably a better job.Swearing doesn't impress anyone, except those who have a weak vocabulary.To most people ,the use of profanity is synonymous with ignorance.

  6. JUST words?

    uhm wow.

    swearing is just gross, annoying and in my opinion revolting. everyone in my family swears and it drives me crazy.  especially when a guy swears in front of a girl. that is so not a gentleman. its just common courtesy to keep your mouth clean.  

  7. I just think there are certain occasions that call for a certain level of decency. I use it when I'm with friends, but not out in public.

  8. it depends on how they were raised. if they were raised w/ parents that never cursed, they prolly dont like cursing. i grew up around cursing, so it doesnt bother me...

  9. Doesn't bother me, much. When I was in 6th grade, we all used them left and right. The 6th graders now still use them. However, it really isn't cool. It shows you have no respect or manners. It also makes you seem uneducated as resorting to cursing makes others think your vocabulary is at a terrible stand-still. I only find d**n (not much of a curse), b*tch (it's actually dog breeding term for "female dog") and sh*t (not as offensive as you think) not really bad

    Edit: Again, females in this section have, YET AGAIN, said something ridiculous and out of line. Not all, but the majority on this Q. "...if you don't like it, go talk to somebody else...". WTF! I (emphasis on I) have to leave because someone has a lacking vocabulary. Hey! Gimme your address so I can send you that new issue of "Hooked on Phonics"! Like an answerer above said, how would you like it if someone said, "Watch, the f*ck, where you're going!". I'll give my own example...

    Imagine you dropped a cake or chicken your mom had been working 5 HOURS in the HOT, 80º kitchen. Here's a scene

    Mom: "What the f*ck! You little sh*thead! Why in the f*ck-idy, f*ck, f*ck h**l did you do that!

    You: I'm, I'm sorry mom.

    Mom: Sorry's not going to cut it b*tch. Go to your sh*tty f*cker. Man, f*ck that! Go to h**l!

    You: OK, Mom.

    (You start to cry as you walk off)

    Mom: By the way...

    You: Yes *sniff* mom


    Would you like that?

  10. Why do you believe the contrary???

    They're supposed to mean something awful so that's why some people know they're awful. They make people feel awful.

  11. Words are so much more than "just words". Would you be offended if someone said something insulting about your Mother? Also a lot of swear words have offencive meanings, that are derogatory to women and other groups. I'm by no means perfect but it depends in which context you use these words, I find using in a regular manner to be just crude, I only really swear when I'm angry/ fired up about something. Even in these cases I would NEVER use words that are insulting to one particular group i.e using g*y as an insult. As to why avoid using them, some people find them offencive you should try and avoid conflict not fire it. You should respect other peoples believes and refine from using them in public. I hope I didn't sound like too much of a prude.

  12. Yeah I know they are just words, if you don't like them go talk to someone else.

  13. I agree with Tina and some others here.

    If you feel that you have the right to swear when it isn't justified, then other people have the right to be offended.

    I swear when I'm upset or if I hurt myself by accident or while talking dirty during s*x.   *blush*

    But otherwise, I don't.  It bothers me to be out in public and hear people repeatedly using obscene language for no reason.   There is a time and place for certain behavior.  

    Words are not always just words.  We should always be careful of what we do and say.  It is about respecting oneself and other people.  

  14. Just WORDS? Why can't people who use just WORDS find another term rather than cuss words??? They could just be WORDS to you, but for others, they are offensive and stuff.

  15. My cousin was describing how it felt when his first son was born

    "I can't even use words like 'love' or 'amazing' because this is so much more.  We use those words evey day, and they lose their meaning, so when something like this happens, we don't have words for it"

    Likewise with swearing.  Its meant to be reserved for sincere "oh c**p" situations, like hitting another car and seeing your child almost get hit by one.  When you use the words evey day, it makes it so when you swear seeing your child almost die, you're putting it on the same level as when you're out of milk or can't find your keys in your purse

  16. I dunno about that. But I think swearing means you have a lack of vocabulary, and can't think of a word to replace it. Basically it's stupid! You don't have to use them, so don't!

  17. to some people they're offensive  

  18. not sure

    answer mine;...

  19. Because they are disrespectful and you probably don't know what they really mean and where they came from.  Like the word f*g, people always use it but have no idea why its offensive.  And its not a bad name for g*y people.

    But personally I think people use them to try to sound cool, and when the do they totally use them in a stupid way, and way to much and it makes them sound dumb.

  20. their just WORDS and the middle finger is JUST A FINGER!!!

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