
Why do people constantly give you an appraisal of your behaviour?

by  |  earlier

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I have found that people always seem to want to tell you what they think of you, negative and positive. Is this rude, or we have entered a new era of impartial honesty?




  1. When something is deffernt about a person they comment. Or if they dont understand. Like ppl all the time tell me what they think of my lip ring, mostly old people. They just dont understand and want you to know that they are thinking about you.

  2. I dont know that i can comment a whole lot on what the "good old days" were or were not like, so ill avoid it as best i can. Seemingly in a world where information flows relatively freely and there is a bit of an influx of content that has to be viewed and analyzed pretty continously, it can be pretty tough id gather to cope from day to day. One of the ways to do this, is to make fairly firm judgments pretty constantly about everything in the world that is around you, so people can act appropriately. In the context of this type of decision making process, and because there are not a whole lot of cultural ways to deal with voicing those judgments in a community setting...people are more likely to just say whats on their mind to vent it out i suppose.

    Just hazarding a guess.

  3. No, I don't really find that people do that to me.  Sometimes they tell me the nice things about me.  But if someone were often criticizing me (like one of my sisters that I am not in touch with these days), I would stay away from them.  I also would ask them what they got out of criticizing me.  But, you know, I don't think it's worth it to have arguments/discussions with people like that because you're not going to change their personalities.  I just tend to avoid people like that.  I go by my feelings:  If I tend to feel negative when interacting with someone, I listen to those feelings and stay away from them.  Take care.

  4. maybe your looking for approval and it's all over your face.

  5. It's rude.

    The idea that YOU have to be and live and act in accordance with MY wishes or beleifs is rude.

    Besides, when I want you to X, and the next person you encounter wants you to Y, what are you supposed to do.

    Really, the deeper problem is the idea that I get to dictate to everyone else how to live (but really resent anyone else telling ME how to live).

    Unless your arm is in my face, I have no right to tell you to move it.

  6. find new friends....

  7. They want u to b in their way and if u r in tat way then they congratulate u otherwise degrade u...

    Tats wat is happening in this world really...

  8. maybe, they want you to be all that you can be.

  9. My idea of why people feel the need to correct and set the world straight is their feeling of lack of control over their lives.

    People want to feel like they are in control of something as so many things in their lives are out of control and they are feeling threatened.  At least they have the possibility to intimidate you and making you fit into their narrow little world of right and wrong.  People are frightened these days of high technology.  A computer with sattilite is a terrible thing to have to compete with.  How can we ever be as smart as all that!?  People feel threatened and frightened but thank god!  At least they are better than you! haha (At least they would want you to think that)

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