
Why do people constantly pick on me?

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Okay ever since i was in grade 2 ive been critasized by my appearance. When i was younger i had bleach blonde hair and big bright blue eyes, i got teased about it so i dyed my hair and wore glasses most of the time. When i was in grade seven i was picked on about my weight, by tons and tons of people but i was always average weight. then when i moved from one province to another in grade eight, id come home and cry almost everyday because of my wieght, or my nose, or my eyes. And because of these stupid people, i have stupid green contacts, brown/orange fried hair, and im underweight. It seems like im never going to be good enough. why wont they leave me alone?




  1. Stop letting them do it... You have a mouth don't you? If your going home crying make sure that you aren't the only one. They see you as an easy target. Stop letting them talk to you however they want. Your going to get talked about regardless of where you go or what you look like. You have to develop Thick Skin if you want to get anywhere in life.

  2. People are mean.  They look for people with a lack of self confidence and pick on them to make themselves feel better.  The best advice would be to ignore it and not let it get to you.  That's a lot easier said than done, though.

  3. you need to stop worrying about what other people think. stop trying to change yourself to please others. they will never matter in the bigger picture. learn to love yourself. be good enough for you, not the ignorant masses.  

  4. Go back to the blond hair and blue eyes. Get some clothes from Hollister and then u will be poppin. I think people are just jealous because they don't have those features.  

  5. In your opinion, is there anything wrong with bleach blonde hair adn big bright blue eyes?  You go teased because you unintentionally allowed it.  The same old cannot please everyone, be yourself.  I am not suggesting you doing things without considering others, indeed you need to be considerate too.  However, to those meaningless and mean comments and people...why allow them upset you and run your life.

    If you believe green contacts and orange fried hair are stupid, why keep doing it?  Trying to prove something to these people for...what?

    In terms of over weight comments, you need to ask yourself if you are really overweight?  Use the BMI (body mass index) as a rough guideline since not everyone born the same, however, you need to ensure your health is not jeopardized and compromised due to excess weight....

    Lastly, they will leave you alone if they find no fun picking on you...and focus on the inside of yourself than outside...Good luck with your school.

  6. you should be more confident. if you are happy for who you are then dont worry what other think. you sound beautiful to me. i was picked on at my old school but when i moved i decided i dint care and had a little attitude adjustment. walk like a model with your head up. smile and people will see what you want them to see.  

  7. they see you as someone that they can get to and upset.  If you stop reacting to them in a way they want to it will subside after a while.  Good luck I hope it gets better for you

  8. omg...thats horrible! and u sound like ME!...which is worse. i have always been picked on horribly...probably worse than you cuz i have had people beat me up before! and ive been criticized about my weight when i was average weight and i ended up being in a hospital for losing too much weight! also, i have bad hair...its not like how yours is but its sooo thick and curly that i have an afro...and i cant even brush it! i have to spend tons of money to get it chemically straghtened and then spend like 2 hours on it EVERY...SINGLE...DAY!!! i just wish people could accept me...and i know where u are coming from

    i really dont know what to say...i just learned to fight back...but i have anger issues so i i fight back hard...i broke a kids nose once! i dont think u should do that but try to be a bit more aggressive and try not to care what other people still working on that

  9. suck it up and get over it

  10. Once you allow yourself to look into the obyss: in this case that being other people's perspectives you may find yourself falling into their madness

    Do not believe lies they are the leader of victims.

  11. Aw, that's terrible! How people can just do that, and feel good the next day, BOTHERS ME! I feel your pain sweetie, I was always picked on because of my weight. If you'd ever like to talk hun, you can always talk to me in Email... Or you can Email me here

  12. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time. Things will get easier as you grow older. In the meantime, go ahead and have your hair whatever color YOU like and dress the way YOU want to. If anyone confronts you directly about your appearance, you just look them straight in the eye and ask them this: "What ever gave you the idea that your opinion is important to me?" Then walk off. Hold your head high and be strong. To h**l with those idiots who pick on you. It says much more about their character (or lack of it) than it does about you. You have accidentally given these people power over you. But you can take that power back. Today. You are plenty good enough. Yes you are! Don't do one more thing to please these other people. They are nothing to you and should not have any control over how you choose to live your life or the way you choose to look. Good luck to you, sweetie. Reclaim your life and work on a strong attitude. Learn to respond to these petty people with a raised eyebrow and a look. Then walk on.

    Good luck to you!

  13. When people tease someone, they want to get you to make a big deal about it. Just don't get all upset about it and they won't see anything fun about teasing you.

    Might I add that you shouldn't try so hard to cover up things such as your hair color, and eye color, because that just says that your giving into them. There was nothing wrong with you in the first place. Just be your self

  14. maybe all that is perceiving you as weak? o_O

  15. maybe because your canadian? lol just kidding maybe its because your trying to hard with dieing your hair and everything.  

  16. ignore them. the more you get annoyed the more they'll annoy you. i know that this is hard but sooner or later-it works. you dont need to change yourself because of sure you have friends so just hang with them and forget abt the mean ones. what can you do, some ppl r just like that...

  17. You look like someone they can pick on and get away with it.  You bow your head.  You feel vulnerable so you look it.  Mine started in third grade they said something to me and I cried  through the grade school years I was in and out of the counselors office.  I tried not to go to school I felt bad so it was easy to seem too sick to go.  It was the boys mostly and they made me feel so less than everybody else that I ate to feel better and I was only a little overweight but by 6th grade I was Very much over.   I could not go to the bathroom or water fountain that there wasn't someone in the hall to yell; eeeeew fat ____.  I look at pictures when I was in 7th grade and now I see I did not look fat since leaving the other school, back then I didn't even notice the change.  I didn't notice that I wasn't picked on much there either...just facial expressions from the kids that came to that school with me. Most kids were from other grade schools.  There was one handsom guy that called me Rita Baby and stupid me thought I was being picked on.  It was because they caused me to feel less than anybody and I thought I deserved it .  I felt like ugly ____ like they told me I was. Into my adult years I felt like Ugly ____no matter that I lost weight I did not feel different.  It took me so long to realize the person in the mirror was not ugly did not have a big ugly nose my nose is fine I have beautiful hair and my leggs are really nice.  My husband told me that and I kept reaffirming it to myself and I got over the ugly thing. But still today I am that person who felt so bad way down deep in my mind when I get depressed I go back.  Cry yer heart out to counselors and don't let them tell you to ignore it!  You let Doctors, mental health and counselors know that you know this will effect the rest of your life.  Because you know it because I told you.  From someone who has been there.  I think all that kicked in my Bipolar disorder long before it would have shown.  Oh and fix your hair back to natural  lose the contacs and dig up the real you.  Be brave my Dear friend.  They won't even remember you when they meet you  they will have forgotten and all this time you have let it hurt you over and over the past can't hurt you again unless you let it.

  18. When someone picks on you, it has nothing to do with your appearance, nothing to do with you at all, regardless of what they say. It is purely about the people doing the bullying, how they feel about themselves and how they want to feel more powerful.

    Remember that they're actually talking about themselves and exposing their own weaknesses by showing that it makes them feel good to make others feel bad.

    My suggestion to you? Drop your contacts if you don't like them, let your hair grow back to normal color, and eat the way you want to. People will realize that they can't affect you and they will respect you for it.

    When you change yourself to suit them, you're only reaffirming their cruelty and opening yourself up to more. The only way to be "good enough" is to feel good as yourself, which you obviously did. Your only mistake was letting mean kids get to you.

    Blond hair and big bright blue eyes are some of the MOST sought after features by most girls, so in my opinion, you've got it pretty good.

  19. They are sad an pathetic trying to cover up their own insecurities.

    Just be yourself, that is all that matters.

  20. Hi my friend,

      The problem isn't you. It is their lack of esteem for themselves. People who bully others are insecure and have to drag others down to gain power and control.

       You need to find acceptance for YOU, not for anyone else. What color do you want your hair? What weight do you want to be at? What color eyes do you want to have? This is your body and your life. Don't give these inconsiderate people the privilege of dictating who you should be or what you should look like.

       Be yourself. Genuineness is a very attractive quality....otherwise, you will spend your entire life trying to be someone else.

       You are who you are, for a reason.  :)

  21. AWE.  I am so sorry that you have to go through this, but you should definitely go back to the way you are naturally with your blue eyes and blonde hair.  People are most likely jealous of you.  You have to stand up for yourself or people will just keep doing it to you because they know they can get to you.  Or if you show that it doesn't bother you they will eventually leave you alone.  GO back to the way you used to be because by changing the way you look you are telling them that they got to you.  You are probably beautiful which is why people are jealous.  Dye your hair back blonde and take out the contacts.  You need to be yourself not what other people tell you to be.  You are great the way you are :]

  22. HEY s**y, your kinda cute!! lets go to lunch

  23. you should realy try looseing some weight YOU FAT SLUUT/ BIACH/ TUBBY! when your done eating you should try throwing up your food by taking a tooth brush or using your finger and try to poke the little thing in the back of your throat real hard, it's realy fun and it tickles! you shoud try it! but make sure you do that in the bathroom or the floor will get all messy. have fun :]


  24. Because you don't leave yourself alone!!!

    People have a way of amplifying our own insecurities, only because they may not be happy with themselves, and want to make themselves feel when one person makes a comment that makes you feel uncomfortable with your appearance, people will see the change in your own confidence, and take advantage of your lowered self esteem.  Your making yourself an easy target by changing everything about yourself....they make fun of your hair, you dye it....they make fun of your eyes, you wear contacts.....STOP!!!

    You cant let the opinions of others affect the way you feel about yourself!  If you let them bother you it will never stop.  However if you have confidence in yourself and just be happy with yourself you'll eventually be left alone.  You keep giving them a reason to continue making fun of you because you keep giving them a reaction.  Have confidence in yourself and be who you are, and you'll be fine.

    Also remember you might still have people talking about you, but the few that do, you just need to brush off.....Because really does any ones opinion even matter, but your own?

  25. let me ask you a simple question why do you have to care about people. the way you described your self i think you really are beautiful. Never show that you care and if you do you are gona kill yourself because of all these unkind people. By the way let me tell you that noone in this world is perfect. So be thankful for what you have.People will never say good things about you cuz they never wana see you happy. So cheer up girl.

  26. Don't listen to them.

    Underweight? whoa

    lucky!! you must look

    so pretty. BLUE EYES?

    dude, take off the contacts!

    I'd kill for blue eyes. Blond hair?

    That's s**y. And for your hair being

    fried.. Put some olive oil at night

    and it revives it. Just don't listen to the

    jerks, they are just insecure about themselves.

  27. u know what i know people can be really stupid and messed up what you need to do is not to let this type of c**p bother u

    when people make fun of u is it other girls or boys

    F*** the people who make fun of u

    u need to make some really good friends that u trust and that they like you for who U are

    and dont trip about the other a**holes that make fun of u

    im in high school and i hear people make fun of other people all the time some times i ignore it and some times me and my friends stick up for that person

    just remember some people tease more and more if they see that it bothers u

    so dont let it bother u

    hope this advice helps

    good luck!

  28. dnt let people put yoo  down !! be your self ,i fink blue eyes and blonde hair is good id love to have that !!

    just egnore  them ,my mum  always say people pick on ova people becoz they are jelous and have nuffink betta to do !!

    you should be happy the way you are ,ever body is different ,i do think you should put on wait if you are under wait though!

    have you told anyone that people keep picking on you ?

    if not tell someone,its not good to keep it in !

    if the school dont do anyfink  then get your  mum to go higher  then the school ,,,maybe the goverment or the cancill


    hope i help :)

    Alice <3

  29. I usually was treated like c**p in grade school, high school and sometimes even in college (when I lived in a dormatory) and as a adult.

    It gets a little better when you get older and work full time. Also, it's usually easier to have control over what  people to avoid when you are an adult.

    It really got better for me once I graduated from college.  

  30. it is becasu they are getting a reaction out of you, and sometimes tothe point that you make a drastic change, i.e. coloured contacts, dyeing your hair.

    people like to feel big and powerful and in control.

    and many times the get this feeling by putting others down.  and the more someone is upset and reacts to being put down by some little skunky scum bag (really the kids takling to you like this that is what they are) the more poweful the feel, they have some power and control over your emotions and at times your reactions and behaviors (they get this control over you feeling when you give in and change to fit what they are picking on you about)

    "hey yesterday i told jenny her hair looked like a sheep dog, all blond and poofy and long, and she went and dyed it and got a pixie cut"

    not matter how good it looks they will pick on you just to see what you will do. (i only used jenny as an example, nothing against you if that is your name)

    take your power back from them, don't give it to them anymore, you are strong and smart, and take it back by ignoreing them, you are good enough, if they can not see that it is their loss, you are good enough they just don't want you to know that (because they are snot nosed brats)

    be yourself, stay healthy (if you are underweight, please let it go up to a healthy weight)

    if you think the contacts are stupid, bleep them and don't wear hair go to a salon and have them do it how you like it, no matter what those punks think, and kkep it, don't change it for anyone but yourself. (if it is fried out and orangeish a good salon will beable to help it with out damaging it more)

    s***w what i think s***w what little tommy tucker thinks, what the hot jock thinks, the only person who matters is you only what you think of your self matters.

    be yourself if others pick on you because of it, well to h**l eith them and ignore it, (this won't be easy at first)

    know who you are,

    stand in front of the mirror as often as you need (i recommened when you feel you look your worst) have no make up, you hair not done up, and say

    "I AM......(your name)...AND I AM BEAUTIFUL!"

    "I AM......(your name)...AND I MATTER"

    "I AM......(your name)...GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME"

    hokey i know but it will help you to belive it, the more the idiots tease you the more you belive it, the more you tell yourself you are beautiful and matter and belive you are enough you will belive it.

    it will be very hard at first to let yourself be you, and very hard to ignore the twerps who treat you like you are nothing (and they are very wrong, you are something you are you) but once you see that they are not getting anything out of picking on you, and not getting what they want they will stop, it will take a little time, but everytime you don't give in or show your upset or bothered by what they say they won't do that again, and will try something else, and when that doesn't work they may try even another tactice, but if you stay strong and don't give in or give up (or try to conform) they will give up and stop wasting their time and it will stop!

    and the more you ignore it the easier it gets, especially when you see them really trying to hurt you, and you can see that is what they want to do then you can see they are just a*******s and not worth being upset about!

    anyone who wants to upset you hurt you or make you fell bad about yourself, like you need a drastic change now is not worth the time or effort of a second thought!

  31. If you give fuel to the fire it will keep burning. People will always find reasons to pick on you or not like you etc. Don't listen to them they just want to get in your head and apparently it's working when they say something mean to you say "thank you" it'll throw them a bit off balance. Act like you don't care just don't listen if you do you're going to end up hurting your Self-esteem you're fabulous girl don't sweat it :).  

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