
Why do people constantly report questions and answers?

by  |  earlier

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Who else is really bothered by people who report other people's questions/answers when they are not saying/doing anything that could be construde as "offensive"? I don't understand why people find the need to censor others on this forum when it's not called for. What is your opinion?

For example: I answered a question a minute ago that was not inappropriate in any way, yet someone decided to report it, and tell the world about it. What purpose does something like that serve?

If you are going to report me, please give a reason why. Don't just say: "wtf reported" I'd like to know why this particular question is inappropriate in your eyes.




  1. Some people need to lighten up.

    On a somewhat similar note:  I notice your name is wayward christmas tree.  Is that an upside down christmas tree on your avatar or is my mind a little in the gutter?  Ok, a lot in the gutter.  I swear I didn't see anything close to a christmas tree when I first saw that picture.  wink wink.

  2. Y!A annoys me that they allow it. I have had answers and questions that violated nothing be reported. But Yahoo never takes a second glance at it. I have yet to ever get a response from Yahoo. But the little trolls works both ways. It usually is easy to figure out who the problem is and turn around and report them too. I have only done this once, but got rid of the troll.

  3. some people should learn how to unclench from time to time...

  4. People on here can be a tad touchy. I get reported at least once a day. I am at peace with myself so s***w the haters.

  5. You know, it'd just the way some people are: overly critical of what goes on their question. Even something like "wtf" is inapropriate to them. I personally just think to myself that they have problems and move on.

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