
Why do people continue to believe the data on only one side of global warming?

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After doing much studing on the topic I have come to realize that global warming may not be our fault. There is much evidence to suggest that it may some from other causes as well. Some even suggest that it is entierly natural.




  1. "Doctor in Climatology" is actually Bob, aka "Baghdad Bob" the former Iraqi Information Minister here to spread his propaganda.


    Why did you delete your other question, Baghdad Bob? How's the disinformation campaign going? I see you also have to change your picture. I will still find and expose you and your disinformation campaign.

  2. It is a typical human response.

    To think that they are right and everyone who disagrees with them are wrong or now they are dumb or stupid.

    We have so little understanding of weather and climate change we have at best about 30 years of good data for world temperatuares.

    In a planet that is millions of years old that is not even a drop in the bucket.

  3. There goes Jello again, with his brilliant deductions.

    Apparently he thinks Exxon and other oil companies should be exempt from taxes, while other businesses pay them.

    He must be a scientist from the Heritage Foundation, he seems to love Exxon a lot.

  4. Because the AGW fanatics are tying man's "evil" dependence on coal/oil/etc to government control. There solution is to tax people. Thus providing additional funds for government, less funds for you and I.

    Others not in the leadership, are your typical hate America, hate corporations, love big government crowds. Go to any Global warming, peace, socialist rally, and you will instantly understand what I am saying.

    And as your studies have probably shown, there is NO scientific proof suggesting man is the cause.

  5. Most people continue to believe only one side of global warming because that's all the media portray. By definition, the media is sensationalist. If it's not interesting or controversial, they're not interested. The fact that many people accept what the media says at face value without researching it on their own is also troubling--if they took the time to do this, many would find that global warming is not caused entirely by humans.

    In my opinion.. I think every person on the planet should have to take a climate class at one point in their life.. it would really clear up a lot of confusion about this.

  6. It is us!!!!! T.V's, Computers the possibilities never end. You just have to go back to how they build them... POLLUTION!!!!!! So It is all our fault

  7. I'd love to share your conclusion.  What evidence are you referring to?  

    By the way, what university did you get your climatology degree from, and when?  For a scientist you do not seem to follow the practice of supporting your stated theory with supporting data.

  8. People believe what they want to hear when given a choice.  They choose to believe 1) They can make a difference in this world 2) Man has mastered nature 3) Science is infallible 4) Corporations are evil 5) etc, etc, etc.

  9. You're questioning the dogma, bro.  If Exxon isn't the cause, they what excuse do politicians have to tax them?

    Global warming is believed by people who think that if you don't believe, then your for polluting the Earth,

  10. some ppl beleive that it is all our fault because they want tobeleive the first thing they hear...while it may be the natural process of the earth i beleive that we have somrthing to contriburte to it...with all of the gasses we put into the atmosphere...but like i said ppl tend to beleive the first thing they hear.

  11. even if global warming is part of the natural cycle, its still better to prepare for the worse, because the damage that will happen if we don't will be worse than the damage caused by our preparations (economic problems if we prepare and global warming doesn't happen vs. floods, death, all sorts of nasty things if we don't prepare and global warming does happen.) watch the youtube video i have in my sources...

  12. people have increased in number as well have the vehicles. Were does all the gas go? The gases constantantly filling  the atomsphere. Plus the weather change natural or not is getting worse and it is easiest to belive that people are at fault for the reason of it being fix able if we did it.

  13. I agree.  Although my research in the subject was relatively breif my conclusions on the subject are that factors can be attributed to the natural global warming and human impact.  I am far from believing that we are overpopulated (globally) and that our impact on the earth while significant should not cause an alarm this big.  I do believe however it is our responsibility to care for the earth.

    I think the main reason people blindly follow one side of global warming is the lack of researching the material and putting faith in one proponent of global warming.  I have talked to people whos only research was watching An Inconvienent Truth.  Also the lack of critcally analyizing the facts.

    We live in a cursed world that will deteriate until the day Jesus returns.  Global warming is only one example we can expect from a fallen world.  

    God Bless!

  14. To be honest as I can, science is all theorem,but the math never lies.But sometimes it's interpreted outside of rational application.This is my weak area,I can't do applied physic's or quantum mechanics,but I do know what they mean.I also know, statistics though important can be manipulated to justify  everything.I don't have a problem with any of those approaches,it's the simple fundamentals of science that goes unanswered or is ignored...and it makes we wonder just what is going on.

  15. I have no idea what evidence you are referring to.  Post some scientific links.

  16. yes but it is partly our fault

  17. If you're saying that there is more than one contributer to the current warming, I don't disagree. In fact, scientists have known always known that the current warming can't be explained by just anthropogenic or just natural factors alone. Any explanation of 20th century warming must include both.

    That said, we can be fairly confident that, while it might not be the *only* factor, human activity is far and away the most *important* factor in the current change.

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