
Why do people continue to love spending tons of money on stuff like "opening ceremonies" when folks are dying?

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There is so much hunger and disease in the world and yet we still applaud spending loads of money on shows and entertainment. You will just call me a humbug, but it is so sad that the majority agree with this way of life. We spend far too much time in 'greed' rather than 'need'.




  1. You know, Fauna, I've been wondering that for decades.  

  2. money is the root of all evil... goodness can come from it but it will pulll

    people down none the less.  The people that say that they are happiest are the poor.  I wpuld rather have money and be a little bit less happy.

  3. Because spending money on things like the Olympics actually generates more money....the common denominator is MONEY.

  4. Is it really the money that bothers you or the fact that some of us enjoy ourselves while others suffer?

    We spend millions on opening ceremonies, and billions on wars. International sporting events may seem a little frivolous, but at least they foster a sense of unity between nations, which is priceless.

    There is a good solution to "wealth guilt" in Islam - a good muslim must give 2.5 percent of his / her disposable income to the needy. Once that is done, you have "done your bit", and you can enjoy the rest of your money and possessions with a clear conscience!

  5. Because the opening ceremonies of the Olympics represent togetherness between countries in the name of sport and competition.  Instead of fighting on a battlefield, they are fighting in the sports arena.  This is a symbol of brotherhood and cooperation.  

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