
Why do people criticize others for helping students with homework questions?

by Guest34093  |  earlier

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I feel that I am not helping the kids cheat, but giving them a nudge in the right direction. I always helped my kids with their homework in grade school - early college. I am an elder who has seen and heard many important eras in history. All 3 kids are adults doing well with minimal help thank you. I know that if more parents spent time to help their children with homework we wouldn't have the problems we have today. I have a few friends who home school their kids and all are very intelligent and on their way to good colleges.




  1. I agree. People don't realize that not everyone learns the same way. We live in a cookie cutter society now days. They figure if thats how they do it why would you ever consider doing it another way, after all they know whats best for you and your family.....

  2. There is a difference between helping them and giving them the answers. If you just give them the answers and don't explsin how or why that is the answer then you aren't helping them at all. If you do explain it properly than I have no problem. Usually if someone has a question I will give them a couple of topics to look at as a starting point so that they find the answer themselves.

  3. Because even though you may not think you are helping them cheat, you are.

    You think you are helping them and they are gonna take what you say and research it and do their own work.

    They arent.

    They are taking what you say, coping it, and turning it in as their own work.

    Bottom line is that most of these homework qs could be answered by themselves if they would just go to google and spend 10 minutes reading.

    I stopped answering obviously homework questions for the most part after I got an email that told me they copied my answer and got an A, and thanked me.

  4. Because some students come here to get the answers from others so they don't have to do their own research. Help them, but try not to give them the answers.

  5. It's OK to suggest that they google a subject.

    But giving them the answer doesn't help them because they don't learn anything.

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